Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst

About Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst

Previous Entry Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst17. Feb 2006 @ 10:29 Next Entry
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Date: 17. Februāris 2006 - 12:15
Reibst gan, bet jācer, ka bērneļiem pieaugot pieaugs arī viņu pašcieņa. Laikam jau nevajag iedziļināties domājot, ko varētu domāt cilvēks, kas izdara ko "tādu",vienkārši jāpieņem, ka cilvēki ir dažādi. Ir cilvēki, kurus mēs saucam par savējiem.... un pārējie.
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Date: 17. Februāris 2006 - 13:01
Jā... un nē.

Šai sakarībā gribas nocitēt Čestertonu (saīsināt neko nevarēju, varbūt kontekstam vajadzēja vēl pielikt):

It’s treating a friend as a stranger, and pretending that something familiar is really remote and mysterious. It’s like saying that a man has a proboscis between the eyes, or that he falls down in a fit of insensibility once every twenty-four hours. Well, what you call ‘the secret’ is exactly the opposite. I don’t try to get outside the man. I try to get inside the murderer. . . . Indeed it’s much more than that, don’t you see? I am inside a man. I am always inside a man, moving his arms and legs; but I wait till I know I am inside a murderer, thinking his thoughts, wrestling with his passions; till I have bent myself into the posture of his hunched and peering hatred; till I see the world with his bloodshot and squinting eyes, looking between the blinkers of his half-witted concentration; looking up the short and sharp perspective of a straight road to a pool of blood. Till I am really a murderer.”

“Oh,” said Mr. Chace, regarding him with a long, grim face, and added: “And that is what you call a religious exercise.”

“Yes,” said Father Brown; “that is what I call a religious exercise.”
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Date: 17. Februāris 2006 - 13:46
Tu mani sagruzīji :(
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Date: 17. Februāris 2006 - 15:52
Hm. Palasi vēl, paliks atkal labāk?
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