[Jun. 4th, 2007|03:06 pm] |
"I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else on this planet. The President of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. I find that extremely comforting, that we're so close, but I also find it like Chinese water torture that we're so close because you have to find the right six people to make the connection. It's not just big names -- it's anyone. A native in a rain forest, a Tierra del Fuegan, an Eskimo. I am bound -- you are bound -- to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people. It's a profound thought -- how Paul found us, how to find the man whose son he claims to be, or perhaps is, although I doubt it. How everyone is a new door, opening into other worlds." - character Ouisa Kittredge (no Six Degrees of Separation) |
[May. 18th, 2007|05:51 pm] |
Diez, ko nozīmē drīz?
Un vēl, man patīk šis teikums: Vashi nedomoganija ot golovy |
[May. 18th, 2007|05:03 pm] |
""A fool cannot feel," said the Hebrew sages. If a man does not feel he cannot sense differences, and of course he will not be able to distinguish one action and another. Without this ability to differentiate there can be no learning, and certainly no increase in the ability to learn. It is not a simple matter, for the human senses are linked to the stimuli that produce them so that discrimination is finest when the stimulus is smallest."
Excerpt from Awareness Through Movement
by Moshé Feldenkrais, D.Sc. |
[May. 16th, 2007|03:16 am] |
════════════ Шива - Шакти ════════════ Каждая линия твоего лица - половой акт, а каждое движение твоих глаз - новогодний тоpт, а вкyс твоих гyб и щёк - как влагалища сок, и я готов пеpеписать для тебя Песнь Песней четыpнадцать pаз спpава налево, не глядя и левой pyкой, если пальцы моей пpавой pyки ты бyдешь деpжать в это вpемя за своею ще- кой, и я бyдy любить каждый миллиметp твоего тела со всех стоpон каждым миллиметpом своего тела и языком, и мы бyдем с тобою вместе ходить в кино и в гости к Олегy Боpисовичy пить там сyхое вино, и вкyсом вина пpопитанными гyбами мы с тобой бyдем тpогать гyбы, лица, языки, pyки и yши дpyг дpyга, а может быть даже вместе кого-нибyдь вдpyг полюбим, а сегодня, от памяти запаха твоих дивных волос yлетая, я, от тебя чyть пьяный, идy домой, а дypацкая маpшpyтка yвозит тебя домой, жалко, что несмотpя на одинаковые названия, это совеpшенно pазные места. А в гоpоде стоит невыносимая кpасота. (c) yatsuko |
[May. 10th, 2007|06:22 pm] |
In humility is the greatest freedom.
As long as you have to defend the imaginary self that you think is important, you lose your peace of heart. As soon as you compare that shadow with the shadows of other people, you lose all joy, because you have begun to trade in unrealities and there is no joy in things that do not exist. |
thomas merton | |
[Apr. 22nd, 2007|04:33 pm] |
"Cultural research remains largely dominated by national boundaries. In real life, subcultures will exist and make any effort of classifying cultures always somewhat arbitrary. Someone can be working for the Chinese affiliate ('family') a German company ('machine') who studied in the US ('contest') and might have a French partner for life ('solar system'), how do you classify such a person from a cultural point of view?" P.Matthyssens and H. Wursten "Cross-Cultural Issues in Relationship Marketing"
Vienkārši. Tādu sauc par серобуромалиновый :) и далнеишему исследованию не подлежит |
[Mar. 10th, 2007|08:17 pm] |
'Kas vispār ir mīlestība? - Es par to neko nezinu.' |
[Mar. 9th, 2007|05:53 pm] |
‘The ethical paradox of the postmodern condition is that it restores to agents the fullness of moral choice and responsibility while simultaneously depriving them of universal guidance that modern self-confidence once promised them.’ Bauman, Z. (1992) Intimations of Postmodernity |
[Mar. 8th, 2007|06:39 pm] |
‘Without a coherent identity, actors cannot act; they require a stable sense of self to avoid the fragmentation and splintering that is the mark of insanity’ Susan J. Hekman, Private Selves, Public Identities: Reconsidering Identity Politics. |
[Jan. 23rd, 2007|02:49 pm] |
Une pensée est une idée de passage. (c) Pythagore |
martcores iedvesmots |
[Dec. 4th, 2006|04:53 pm] |
Les murs ont la parole.
Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible.
Je prends mes désirs pour des réalités car je crois en la réalité de mes désirs.
Nous sommes tous des Juifs allemands.
Bet īpaši laikam šis: Dieu, je vous soupçonne d'être un intellectuel de gauche.
PS: tas, kas rakstīts uz Sciences-Po nez kamdēļ skan īpaši nozīmīgi.
Camarades, l'amour se fait aussi à Sc. Po., pas seulement aux champs
( ... tālāk ... )
Défense de ne pas afficher Sc. Po :) |
dienas citāts |
[Jul. 19th, 2006|01:35 am] |
"vienīgais, ko "domāt pašam" var nozīmēt, saglabājot kaut kādu jēgu un nepārvēršoties par tukšu frāzi, ir saprast, kādas sekas ir tādai vai citai domāšanai. domāt pašam nozīmē uzņemties atbildību par saviem uzskatiem. domāt pašam nozīmē dzīvot pašam." paldies alejai |
[Jul. 21st, 2005|02:01 pm] |
Девушка, вы почему здесь стоите? Я.....так..стою. Давайте стоять вместе |