kā tas var būt, ka es tikai šodien uzzinu par J-curve!!!!!!!!!!! |
[12. Nov 2013|12:48] |
Comments: |
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 12. Novembris 2013 - 13:53 |
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"several physiological mechanisms have been suggested to explain the protective effect of moderate drinking, including alcohol’s role in reducing plaque deposits in arteries and the fact that moderate alcohol consumption protects against blood clot formation and promotes blood clot dissolution" bet nu jā, ir arī problēmas ar izlasēm, jo most of these mechanisms are thought to apply only for cohorts in which a majority of respondents have reported a pattern of regular drinking without variability. http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh27-1/39-51.htmbet nu tomēr, fizioloģiskais skaidrojums viņiem ir ;]
kaut kādas artērijas jau tīra vairums dzeramo šķidrumu, ieskaitot ūdeni.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 12. Novembris 2013 - 14:41 |
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man tomēr šķiet, ka pietiekami daudz nopietnu avotu to atzīst, there is now strong evidence that light to moderate (1–3 drinks per day) consumption decreases the risk of a coronary heart disease (CHD) episode compared with abstainers (with particular benefits in men aged over 55 years and post-menopausal women). There is a consensus of opinion that it is the alcohol per se that influences heart health, rather than a particular type of alcoholic beverage. Foster, R. K., & Marriott, H. E. (2006). Alcohol consumption in the new millennium – weighing up the risks and benefits for our health. Nutrition Bulletin, 31(4), 286-331.
nu nevar, nevar tā būt, ka ir tik viegli panākt konsensusu, ja pētījumos būtu būtiskas metodoloģiskas nepilnības. jo sevišķi tāpēc, ka veselības pētījumos principā ir diezgan striktas prasības, un tur tomēr parasti nemētājas ar atziņām...
ir taču jātic arī labajam alkoholā, tādā kristīgā garā ;] | |