welcome to the bodyshaming club, sis' <3
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 00:08 |
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why do men do that tho? i used to think they only bodyshame women, not themselves as well.. such a sad club they have ;( but look, this strong, powerful, white male has found a solution for those who can't love themselves the way they are: 
why do men do that? as an expert in bodyshaming and insecurities you should tell me!
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 08:02 |
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i have never researched this topic so i can hardly be an expert, but my educated guess would be close to your own conclusions: since research does indicates that especially for men height positively correlates with self-esteem, shorter men might have lower self esteem thus higher need to compensate that by both healthy and unhealthy (i.e., bodyshaming) methods? but as i said, no idea why they do that.
but this culture definitely should stop. for example, your input might be looking inside yourself to research what is it about the color of the skin of other people that triggers you? is that related to the myths of black-people physique and specific parameters (if so you are not alone, i.g., recent study shows that "people tend to perceive black men as taller, more muscular and heavier") that provoke the need to deevaluate them by using racial slur?
you deserve being loved as you are.
ahhh you poor little misunderstood baby! i c ur still confusing dark humour with malice, and now in an effort to defend your foolishness you are trying to use that confusion as a weapon to win an argument. stop embarrassing yourself any further. and if you really want this bodyshaming culture to stop, start with yourself and delete this post. gl on ur mental growth!
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 08:24 |
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oh i see, so you think this post is meant to bodyshame short men? sorry to hear. by sharing this episode i never meant to provoke pain in anyone who might have carried it within themselves, least of them u <3
however, i cannot comply with your effort to silence my joy of being tall myself. sorry if that triggers unnecessary pain within you. #thoughtsandprayers
#same me myself - i never ever meant to provoke pain in anyone by sharing the joy of being the dominant gender from a nonsubhuman race. cheers to a fellowbullshitter 🥂
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 09:39 |
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oh baby, no need to feel so ashamed just cos u lost an argument to a woman who happens to be taller than some men. judging by the level of ur bullshit-skills u could've easily lost to any woman ;)))
oh baby, why do you keep lying to your self? just take the L like a real man, move on with ur life and forget all the crushing insecurities about your body image <3
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 09:59 |
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"just take the L like a real man" - oh no, so that is your whole gender/race superiority in essence? good u are so used to it, so one more episode probably does not even matter that much ;)
loving one's body has nothing to do with some mysterious "body image" - i love the actual body, not the image of the body. the image is the illusion. awaken, dear fellow human male, let go of your fears and insecurities, and see the beauty in being in your body, with your body, being body ♡♡♡
by quoting another sc user - lai izplatās mīlestība! ;p
ur not making any sense rn. take a sip of water you beautiful & capable but dehydrated bitch and go for a walk. love has no place for laughter @ other ppls insecurities. just admit that you slipped and outgrow the yesterday's urself
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 10:29 |
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homie, i ain't ur bitch. now, do better.
skatos, ka neesat iepazinušies ar ūdens reliģijas svētajiem pantiem. esiet bez raižu! tas kungs mani sūtīja sludināt
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 14:14 |
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... mīlestību pret to kundzi ❤️❤️❤️
dzimumiedalīšanas fanātiem ir kopiena ar gnidriķi, resortu, mapatu, nefolku u.c. deģiem. nesaprotu, kā citkārt it kā funkcionējoša persona gribētu nopietni asociēties ar to klubu. protams, dari, ko gribi. no otras puses - no dubļiem ir vieglāk pacelties kā no šķīstības. ceru, ka radīsi spēku atjēgties no sava rasisma, nacisma un seksisma. iedzer ūdeni un dodies pastaigā. lai izdodas!
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 15:36 |
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ja palīdz, vari droši šeit sarunāties pats ar sevi. tavi mērķi ir apsveicami, lai izdodas!
laikam beidzot jāatzīst, ka tev un daudziem citiem taisnība. man šajā kopienā nav ko meklēt un klāstīt 👋
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/131155/23308) | From: | az |
Date: | 9. Marts 2022 - 17:09 |
| | Re: nopūta | (Link) |
💔 |