Just one of those days, when you look at people on the train or in the elevator and you wonder -
How do they find the motivation to keep on living? They're not pretty, they aren't smart, they haven't got much money, no aesthetics in the immediate surroundings, crappy weather, a country that is going down the drain - yet still they get up every single morning, some smile, others cuss, but they keep on living...with no apparent purpose or reason.
How do they find the motivation to keep on living? They're not pretty, they aren't smart, they haven't got much money, no aesthetics in the immediate surroundings, crappy weather, a country that is going down the drain - yet still they get up every single morning, some smile, others cuss, but they keep on living...with no apparent purpose or reason.
Cilvēkiem nevajaga iemeslu dzīvot. Motivācija mazām lietām ir mantrausība, iztapība (people-pleasing), skaudība / atriebība vai kāre pēc komforta / laimes.
Nav tā, ka dailē un / vai intelektā ierobežotie ļaudis būtu diži atšķirīgi no pievilcīgajiem un veiksmīgajiem. Jā, viņi skaskaras ar citādākām problēmām un sasniedz alkstamās emocijas atšķirīgos veidos. Tomēr nedomāju, ka emocijas, pēc kurām viņi dzenas, ir globāli atšķirīgas. Vismaz esmu droša, ka mērķa emocijas nekorelē ar augstāk minēto cilvēku segregāciju