finding an adventurous job

This morning I was feeling adventurous and got this idea in my head that my job should somehow also be an adventure to keep me stimulated.
Maybe that's what's lacking for me so far - a job that I can envision as a quest!
Sure you probably will say, hey you can do that with any job, and to some extent I guess you can.

But right now I'm still on a mission to find THE HOLY GRAIL!

Or I might just be off my rocker and stumbling around in the mist from one job to another - but here I go again :P
Tomorrow a new day, a new job interview :D

A taste of Cinamon?


ahem - nu lūk viena lieta, kas man jāizdomā
jo redz CV es pēdējo darba vietas ierakstu atstāju Mediju Namu un par jauno darbu nemaz neierakstīju...
tagad nevaru izdomāt vai tā bija laba doma un vai turpināt izlikties, ka šobrīd nemaz nestrādāju vai teikt ka strādāju pagaidu darbu :P
nujā. iespējams, ka "pagaidu darbs" ir opcija, ja esi tur strādājusi mazāk kā gadu.
bet tajā linkā es skatos, ka atkal figurē vārds "mārketings". izskatās gan, ka par drusku interesantāk tēmu, bet nu tik un tā mārketings... numbers and headaches.
I don't hate numbers all together - I just can't be rapped up in them ALL the time

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