I found something new that I could do and even a realistic way of learning it.
Something that I've always found to be fun, something that would work well with LARPing and something that might even give me a chance to earn cash in the future.
But how to finance it?
Ls 80 a month for 8 months isn't that bad, but still considering all the other payments I have to make each month already...
I guess I'm faced with 4 options:
1. Somebody besides myself gets a job
2. I tell my mother that I'm gonna pay her a bit less each month for 8 months
3. I find myself a sponsor that is willing to invest and wait for me to pay off the debt
4. I try to caculate all my expenses and fit in the extra cost by cutting down on something else (probably food, drinks and any other extra curricular activities that I've been planning like going to the gym or hairdressers)
Something that I've always found to be fun, something that would work well with LARPing and something that might even give me a chance to earn cash in the future.
But how to finance it?
Ls 80 a month for 8 months isn't that bad, but still considering all the other payments I have to make each month already...
I guess I'm faced with 4 options:
1. Somebody besides myself gets a job
2. I tell my mother that I'm gonna pay her a bit less each month for 8 months
3. I find myself a sponsor that is willing to invest and wait for me to pay off the debt
4. I try to caculate all my expenses and fit in the extra cost by cutting down on something else (probably food, drinks and any other extra curricular activities that I've been planning like going to the gym or hairdressers)
Vai Tu esi kļuvis par Axas sponsoru, vai es ko palaidis garām??? Vai nesapratis???
nu Axa varētu būt gana perspektīvs projekts - mērķtiecīga un prātīga meitene, kuru nebūtu kauns iekļaut "protežē" vienībās!
Es ar pēdējā laikā investēju tikai tādos projektos, kas dod ieguvumu arī man :)
ja nu vienīgi ļoti veiksmīgs body-art uz katru dēmonu sabatu ;)
es runāju vispārināti :)))))
Kaut gan - ;) - sākoties jaunajam mācību gadam, es savu Mācekļu leģionu varētu uzrunāt dēmoniska grimma izdaiļots
taču neesmu pārliecināta, ka esmu gatava pārdot savu dvēseli velnam un kļūt par kārtējo protežē ;)
es jau ne uz ko nespiežu ;)
ja nu Tu būsi guvusi pārliecību - laipni lūdzu :)))
gaidīšu ;)
tepat jau vien esmu un sasniedzams gana ;)
laikus jādomā par iespējamām ārējā izskata maiņām :)
Un profesionāls grimmētājs būtu ļoti noderīgs :))))
gribas būt kā tās meitenes, kas pataisījas mūs par orkiem Igaunijā :)
Tur teikts, ka kursi iet 8 mēnešus.
Kā reiz pieteikoši, lai sw atkoptos.
nevaig graut manu morāli.
Man jau pietiek problēmas ar visādiem citādiem idiņiem.
Hmm...ja atrastos līdzekļi varētu iet kopā ;)
Tad tik jāizdomā, kuru banku aplaupīt...