e-pastu uzbrukums

Ak dievs, ir gūrši jau visu dienu darbā tik vien to darīt kā lasīt un rakstīt e-pastus, bet kad atveru savu personīgo un ieraugu tur kādus 10 neatbildētus e-pastus jau galīgi gribas mesties laukā pa logu...

Why is communication so fucking important!!!
Almost makes me feel like running away and crawling into a small hole with no internet.


I don't mind the community...at least a small one...but I guess its too much communication all together with the job thingy...
oh well... I get to communicate quite a lot as well during a regular work-day + all the private communication as well (this one for instance, and the countless chats). and I can forget everything as soon as I step outside of the office. I breathe in the air and suddenly all the tiredness goes away. and then I am ready for the evening plans, regardless how bizarre or consuming they might be.

the trick is to breathe and expand yourself. dunno why you could not do the same. after all you are the one I learned it from.

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