SkullCandy, huh?
Līdz šim es neko nebiju dzirdējis par tādu austiņu ražotāju kā SkullCandy. Un nav nekāds brīnums. Šāda izskatās viņu garantija:
"Skullcandy is proud to provide the best product warranty in the industry: if this product should fail in your lifetime, we will replace it at no charge. If the product is damaged by agressive music listeners sliding a rail, sliding down the emergency ramp of your aircraft, slammed in your locker, slammed in your car door, run over by a car, running into wall, getting run out of town, mountain biking, road biking, sky diving, beating your boyfriend unmercifully, getting beat down by a man, blown up in an accidental experimentation with flammable substances, or damaged in any other every day experience, it means you are living your life the way we want our product used! In these, or any other damaging events, we will replace the product for a 50% discount from retail."
Īstā manta, beidzot. Skan nejēgā labi un apkārtējo pasauli arī nedzird. Pilnībā.
"Skullcandy is proud to provide the best product warranty in the industry: if this product should fail in your lifetime, we will replace it at no charge. If the product is damaged by agressive music listeners sliding a rail, sliding down the emergency ramp of your aircraft, slammed in your locker, slammed in your car door, run over by a car, running into wall, getting run out of town, mountain biking, road biking, sky diving, beating your boyfriend unmercifully, getting beat down by a man, blown up in an accidental experimentation with flammable substances, or damaged in any other every day experience, it means you are living your life the way we want our product used! In these, or any other damaging events, we will replace the product for a 50% discount from retail."
Īstā manta, beidzot. Skan nejēgā labi un apkārtējo pasauli arī nedzird. Pilnībā.
garantija tiešām stilā. ;)
Bet šīm - SkullCandy - ir ļoti īpatnējs kabelis, kaut kas uz vītā auduma pusi, mazliet asociējas ar santeknikas lokanajām caurulēm metāliskā diega oderē. Un uz to arī aizdomas, ka nenokaujams.
Katrā ziņā manām vajadzībām vispiemērotākās ir tieši nevis lielās ausis, bet mazās, t.s. 'ear bud'. Aizbāžņi. Ar baiku braucot nemaz citādi nevar.
Re: garantija tiešām stilā. ;)
Nevaru sūdzēties. Skan labi un vads pagaidām neizskatās ka taisās izbeigties, lai arī tiek ņurcīts pa somu šurpu, turpu.
Re: garantija tiešām stilā. ;)