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Posted on 2013.08.01 at 22:10


[info]traffico at 2013-08-02 00:56 (Link)
Var teikt, ka gadu tūkstošiem iesakņojušies aizspriedumi...
[info]alcoholic at 2013-08-02 01:12 (Link)
nure - es tak teicu - sivēni!!!!!!

p.s. The taboo on eating pigs may also have been reinforced by similarities between pork and human flesh (which would have been evident in their shared physical nature and manner of decomposition, rather than requiring previous contact with cannibalism). Thus Juvenal finds the Jews reviling the eating of pig flesh as if it were cannibalism (Satire XIV) and in the book God Is Not Great, Christopher Hitchens hypothesizes that the pork taboo arose from the similarity of pig flesh to the results of human sacrifice[8] A link with cannibalism remains dubious, but human flesh has been notoriously described as 'long pig' by cannibals.
[info]fedrs at 2013-08-02 07:21 (Link)
Man gribētos domāt, ka tam ir gluži racionāls izskaidrojums.Piemēram, tuksnešainajās un biezi apdzīvotajās zemēs ne vienmēr ir pieejams pietiekams malkas daudzums, lai pareizi pagatavitu cūkgaļu. Tā vietā, lai katram izskaidrotu par parazītiem, vienkāršāk ir izsludināt reliģisku tabu. Taču tā tikai man tāda doma.
[info]basta at 2013-08-02 12:28 (Link)
Nē, nē, tā nav tikai tava doma, bet gan vispārzināms fakts.
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