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blusa lec [4. Mar 2014|16:22]
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es te lasu par niezi. (...)

Studies have been done to show that itch receptors are only found on the top two skin layers, the epidermis and the epidermal/dermal transition layers. Shelley and Arthur had verified the depth by injecting individual itch powder spicules (Mucuna pruriens) and found that maximal sensitivity was found at the basal cell layer or the innermost layer of the epidermis. Surgical removal of those skin layers removed the ability for a patient to perceive itch. Itch is never felt in muscle, joints, or inner organs, which show that deep tissue does not contain itch signaling apparatuses.

resp tie, kam noņēma ādas virsējos divus slāņus, pārtrauca kasīties. secinājums - niezes receptori atrodas šais divos slāņos.

kaut kā atgādina seno anekdotu par blusu, kura neklausīja pavēlei "lec" pēc visu kāju noraušanas, un tamdēļ tika secināts, ka blusai dzirdes orgāni atrodas kājās.
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Date:4. Marts 2014 - 17:29
bet ir taču tie, kas līdz smadzenēm aizkasās
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Date:4. Marts 2014 - 20:17
vai ta' tas nebija tīri neirolōģisks fenomens, kam ar "reālu" kairinājumu nekāda sakara?