Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

3. Oktobris 2004

(bez virsraksta) @ 23:19

klausos Stīvu Ērlu:

"I used to listen to the radio
And I don’t guess they’re listenin’ to me no more
They talk too much but that’s okay
I don’t understand a single word they say
Piss and moan about the immigrants
But don’t say nothin’ about the president
A democracy don’t work that way
I can say anything I wanna say

So fuck the FCC
Fuck the FBI
Fuck the CIA
Livin’ in the motherfuckin’ USA.."

"The most important presidential election of our lifetime was less than seven months away and we desperately wanted to weigh in, both as artists and as citizens of a democracy. All but two of these songs were recorded within 24 hours of the first line hitting the paper. We worked 12- and 14-hour days and in between takes and over meals we talked about the war, the election, baseball, and women, in precisely that order.

Maybe I am getting old.

Yours for the motherfuckin’ revolution,

Steve Earle

Fairview, Tennessee
May 2004

For Johnny Cash and Warren Zevon — See you when I get there, brothers. "


Date: 3. Oktobris 2004 - 23:26
Video killed the radio star...
Date: 4. Oktobris 2004 - 00:07
Ir tāda jauka Moora dokumentālā filmiņa "Fahrenheit 911"... Mēs mīlam Bušu :)

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata