making sense - Logic, logic, and logic [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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Logic, logic, and logic [24. Jun 2011|21:39]
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Funnily titled books and scientific papers. All from a single bibliography list. My (stupid) comments in italics.

* Proofs from the Book
and Evidence from the Journal

* Logic, logic, and logic
or I need someone to help me to come up with better book titles!

* In the Light of Logic
An account on how we confronted the Dark forces of Linear Algebra

* What's so special about Kruskal's theorem and the ordinal Gamma_0?
Yeah, what? I was assigned to write on this subject but could not come up with anything, will you help me?

* On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I
or Modesty and cryptic titles for major results in mathematics

* The Reason's Proper Study
I have no idea what this one is about, but the title makes me want to read it

* On the infinite
below the absolute

* Vagueness: A Reader
No comments

* What evidence is there that 2^65536 is a natural number?
Another author who prefers to consult the readers

* On Godel sentences and what they say
and on Turing's words and what do they mean?

* Reason's Nearest Kin
Another one I'd like to read, judging by the name. As for the "Kin" - could it be madness?

* The varieties of arboreal experience
No comments

* The Liar Speaks the Truth
or Confessions of a member of George W. Bush's administration

* Review of Potter 2000
"The Goblet of Fire" wasn't the best one in the series, I guess
saiteatstāt nospiedumu

[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 22:30
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 22:39
Can you guess what book I am reading? :)
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 22:42
There's not enough specificity (or at least I don't recognise it) to make a firm educated guess, so I'll stick to The Reason's Proper Study - as it made you want to read it. :>
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 22:48
No, I meant, the subject of the book that has all these references in Bibliography xD
Whatever. The "Reason's Proper Study" sounds good indeed.
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 23:03
I would guess the subject being either some more advanced treatise on this or that branch of mathematical logic, or... well, the guesses certainly converge around mathematical logic. Surprise me.
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Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 23:29
Not very advanced, actually. "An Introduction to Godel's Theorems" by Peter Smith.
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 23:32
The Kruskal's theorem and other mentions of trees, while not particularly advanced as such, in conjunction with the general theme of logic were what upped my anticipation. Still... is it good?
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 23:43
Looks good, yes (only started yesterday). I actually read another book on the same subject a few years ago (by Podnieks, he distributed free copies to the students) and it kinda sucked compared to this.

Anyway, did you read my story about mind-swapping? :)
[User Picture]
Date:24. Jūnijs 2011 - 23:53
Will check it out. The story, did read it just now, and it's indeed nice, both the theme and the execution, especially some of the little details like compatibility testing for 'synaptic group' or the pleasantly subtle mention of ecclesiastical rule. Gz. :>
[User Picture]
Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 00:02
Two other persons were "pleasantly surprised" by the eyebrow and tape business. Perverted minds, eh? :D
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Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 00:08
Heh. Aren't we all.

For one, such scenes usually translate to somewhat off-the-tangent moments within the larger scheme of the narration, and this, combined with how easily they produce their imagery in the reader's mind, contribute to their noticeability/memorability (which, in turn, correlate well with first existing formalisms of curiosity, novelty and "interestingness").
[User Picture]
Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 11:34
Nezināju, ka ''look, i can into engrish'' vēl arvien skaitās stilīga nodarbe priekš provinciālajiem latvju bāliņiem. Fuck you and your fucking kārklu kosmopolītismu. Vai arī laiks sākt pāriet uz svahili.
[User Picture]
Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 14:49
Vai Tu proti svahili? Es neprotu, bet gribētos pieņemt, ka Tu nepiedāvātu neko tādu, kam pats nespētu turēt līdzi. Un - Engrish? Tiešām?
[User Picture]
Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 14:57
Nē nu svahili es piedāvāju piemēra pēc. Ja jau kosmopolitizēties, tad līdz galam, nevis vienkārši nomainīt vienu nacionālo identitāti pret citu. Tā kā es neesmu kosmopolīts, tad dabiski, nevaru kalpot par paraugu, kam sekot.
[User Picture]
Date:25. Jūnijs 2011 - 16:42
1) Pēc datora pārinstalēšanas, kad slinkums meklēt likt LV valodu, pieklājīgāk liekas rakstīt angliski, nevis translitā.
2) Gan jau mb arī nav īpašas strapības, kādā no šīm divām valodām sazināties.

Jauku dienu arī tev :)
[User Picture]
Date:26. Jūnijs 2011 - 02:43
Kosmopolītisms taču nenozīmē saziņu visās pasaules valodās - tik daudz taču vajadzētu būt pašsaprotamam. Principā, tas vismaz netieši implicē tiekšanos pēc universālas valodas, kura eksistētu paralēli lokālajām kā lingvistisko barjeru pārvarēšanas līdzeklis; angļu valoda gan nevar pretendēt uz šādu statusu, taču, manuprāt, tā ir visuresoša un vispārzināma pietiekami lielā mērā, lai tās lietošanu nevarētu ar vieglu roku apzīmēt kā "vienkārši pārslēgšanos uz citu nacionālo identitāti".
[User Picture]
Date:26. Jūnijs 2011 - 08:37
Izņemot tad, kad to bez jebkādas vajadzības lieto divi cilvēki, kuriem ir kopīga cita dzimtā valoda un kuru angļu valodas pārvaldīšana nebūt nav izcila. Ok, RavenX made up an excuse, got outta jail. Priecīgus Jāņus!
[User Picture]
Date:26. Jūnijs 2011 - 11:22
Ne mazāk dīvains ir fakts, ka tu nāc svešā blogā un māci tur, kā pareizi rakstīt. Kas atticecas uz izciliību, tad man vispār nav skaidrs, kā par to kāds var spriest pēc šādas sarakstes. Jebkurā gadījumā, tīri statistiski "izcili" ir augšējie n procenti valodas lietotāju, kamēr matemātiski lielākā daļa ir, ak šausmas, vidusmēra. Vai kādam vajag aizliegt runāt tāpēc, ka viņš nav Šekspīrs? Phe.

Par nesaistītu tēmu - meilu lasi? Uzrakstīju uz to, kas ir profilā.