Comments: |
| From: | dooora |
Date: | January 15th, 2014 - 02:29 pm |
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man regulāri dienasgrāmatā bija skolotāju piezīmes (not good): Stundā smīn! vai Traucē stundu, smejas!
| From: | dooora |
Date: | January 15th, 2014 - 02:32 pm |
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heh, iedomājos, ka jāpavaicā vecākiem, ko tieši učenes viņiem pārmeta bērna audzināšanā, kad viņus „izsauca uz skolu”. viņi man arī nekad nav stāstījuši. citas reizes, par citiem sūdiem gan ir teikuši un iedevuši pa kokō, ja uzskatījuši par vajadzīgu.
Contempt of the Classroom!
| From: | dooora |
Date: | January 15th, 2014 - 02:46 pm |
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Ha! What's a classroom when it's at home? (your parents could have asked)
| From: | dooora |
Date: | January 15th, 2014 - 03:18 pm |
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'Whose home?' Yopcik - I'm beginning to understand the roots of your anarchic flora.
That's an alarmingly bright fella on the podcast: don't think I have ever been so constructively positive.
Kā ir Anglijā? Vai cilvēki ikdienā daudz smaida?
More than here, I'd say. I used to get told to 'cheer up' a fair amount, which has never happened here.
cheer up traucē art creativity un mēs neticam smaidošo amerikāņu depresīvajai mūzikai!
'cheer up traucē art creativity' - I'm not sure that would have shut them up
khmm :)
es zinu, kāpēc igauņi nesmaida, kad es ar viņiem runāju, viņi nesaprot, ko es saku | |