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Dec. 20., 2012 | 11:51 pm
posted by: udensroze in pajautaa

Lidz kadam apmeram vecumam ir intersanta Ilustreetaa Zinatne Junioriem? Zinu,ka pieaugushajiem ari interesanti, bet gan jau ka berniem ir vecums, kad japerk parastaa Ilustreetaa Zinatne :)

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Comments {6}

while the limousines wait in the street

from: [info]up
date: Dec. 21., 2012 - 01:07 am

man 8 gadnieks paziņoja, ka ilustrētā junioriem neesot interesanta un ir maziem bērniem. pasūtījām lielo

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h2o roze

from: [info]udensroze
date: Dec. 21., 2012 - 01:44 am


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