Jautājums fotogrāfiem

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Nov. 29., 2010 | 09:11 pm
posted by: melpomene in pajautaa

Nu, piemēram, ja es esmu ielikusi svaigu fotofilmiņu aparātā. Bet netīšām aparātam bija uzlikta funkcija, satīt filmiņu atpakaļ, ko tas uzreiz arī veica. Kādas ir manas iespējas dabūt filmiņu atkal ārā un izbildēt? :>

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Comments {14}


from: [info]sin
date: Nov. 29., 2010 - 09:30 pm

var mēģināt iebāzt līmlapiņu (tipa ir tādas stingrākas) un izvilkt

ir vēl visādas variācijas ar dubultajiem skočiem

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from: [info]melpomene
date: Nov. 29., 2010 - 09:40 pm

tikko pēc Tava ieteikuma mēģināju. 10min nekādu rezultātu nav.. :

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from: [info]sin
date: Nov. 29., 2010 - 10:12 pm

var arī šādi mēģināt:

The cheap and nasty way that I have used for 15+ years, turn the spool of the film the same as you would if you were winding the film into the cartridge. Turn it till you hear the leader flick past the opening. Take another film, and lick it, wet it however, the leader on the emulsion side and stick it into the other cartridge upside down. What you are doing is sticking the two films together. Push it into the cartridge as far as you can and when you have it done right you can start to wind the film into the cartridge with the lost leader. Wind it in a few turns, and wait about 10 seconds for the emulsion to stick together and then pull it out and viola! the lost leader will come along. Now, let me tell you that it will take you a few tries to get it to work, but once you get the hang of it, you will hit it everytime. It's free, and you don't need to carry another tool in your bag because I always have plenty of spare film lying around.

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