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Nov. 21., 2010 | 10:18 pm
posted by: nenormaaliigaa in pajautaa
Dārgā ciba!
Varbūt kāds ir studējis un var ko vairāk pakomentēt uz mana paziņas jautājumu par Baltijas starptautisko akadēmiju un Psiholoģijas augstskolu:
my sister might go on erasmus to latvia and she has the chance of choosing between various universities there. these are baltijas starptautiska akademija and psihologijas augstskola. do you happen to know something about them? she studies audiovisual communication (you know, tv, radio, cinema, journalism, publicity and so on) and is trying to get to a good uni in that area. well, let's see if you can tell me something on the place, the study quality and those kind of things.
Paldies! :)
Varbūt kāds ir studējis un var ko vairāk pakomentēt uz mana paziņas jautājumu par Baltijas starptautisko akadēmiju un Psiholoģijas augstskolu:
my sister might go on erasmus to latvia and she has the chance of choosing between various universities there. these are baltijas starptautiska akademija and psihologijas augstskola. do you happen to know something about them? she studies audiovisual communication (you know, tv, radio, cinema, journalism, publicity and so on) and is trying to get to a good uni in that area. well, let's see if you can tell me something on the place, the study quality and those kind of things.
Paldies! :)
date: Nov. 21., 2010 - 11:06 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija
date: Nov. 21., 2010 - 11:54 pm
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