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Nov. 15., 2005 | 06:31 pm
posted by: cannibalsmith in pajautaa
Kur radies un ko nozīmē "emo"? Aizguvums no japāņu valodas? Mans minējums ir, ka tas nozīmē "noskumis" jeb "sad". Konteksts: "Cheer up emo kitten!" un "Oh to be so emo and to cry a river."
Tāpat ko nozīmē "balloon-knot kissing"? Konteksts: "Oh yeah, that's some major balloon-knot kissing right there..."
Tāpat ko nozīmē "balloon-knot kissing"? Konteksts: "Oh yeah, that's some major balloon-knot kissing right there..."
from: cannibalsmith
date: Nov. 15., 2005 - 06:54 pm
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from: tviglis
date: Nov. 15., 2005 - 07:04 pm
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