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Jun. 7., 2010 | 04:29 pm
posted by: nenormaaliigaa in pajautaa
Vai Latvijā ir vieta, kur var uzrīkot šādu masu pasākumu?
General event framework:
- total nr of people at the event (participants, trainers, support): app. 250, possibly up to 300;
- duration: 4 working days (5 nights);
- timing: ideally between 15th of July and 15th of August (definitely not earlier than 5th of July and not later than 25th of August), possibly including weekend;
- lodging:
o costs per day full board: maximum 40 euro/day (preferably less);
o conditions: preferably a range of possibilities, from single rooms to dormitory spaces, ideally camping should also be possible;
o a plenary room which can fit the whole group (min. 250 people);
o at least 10 spaces serving as workshop/meeting rooms (each for min. 20 participants);
o preferably space with some green/nature area around, with possibilities of leisure activities;
o ideally not too difficult to reach from airport(s) and other transportation hubs.
UPD. Lielpilsēta neder. Baigi vajag pietiekami netraucētu apkārtni. Laukus even better...piejūra? Mežs?
General event framework:
- total nr of people at the event (participants, trainers, support): app. 250, possibly up to 300;
- duration: 4 working days (5 nights);
- timing: ideally between 15th of July and 15th of August (definitely not earlier than 5th of July and not later than 25th of August), possibly including weekend;
- lodging:
o costs per day full board: maximum 40 euro/day (preferably less);
o conditions: preferably a range of possibilities, from single rooms to dormitory spaces, ideally camping should also be possible;
o a plenary room which can fit the whole group (min. 250 people);
o at least 10 spaces serving as workshop/meeting rooms (each for min. 20 participants);
o preferably space with some green/nature area around, with possibilities of leisure activities;
o ideally not too difficult to reach from airport(s) and other transportation hubs.
UPD. Lielpilsēta neder. Baigi vajag pietiekami netraucētu apkārtni. Laukus even better...piejūra? Mežs?
date: Jun. 7., 2010 - 05:49 pm