cena par bezmaksas apgreidu konfigurāciju
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Feb. 14., 2010 | 03:15 pm
posted by: skuka in pajautaa
Tu pērc dārgu softu un tev pienākas bezmaksas jauninājumi bez papildus maksas par licenci, bet tev jāmaksā par upgreidošanas darbiem pēc šitāda ceņņika:
3. Software Upgrade
The Seller shall provide to the Buyer the latest available versions of the applications software included in the Equipment upon release of any such new version by the manufacturer of such application software and after the completion of tests of such new version by the Seller. Upgrade to new versions is provided at no additional charge for the license. Any Upgrade related works will be charged according to hourly service rates.
System configuration changes € 495,00/ per day
Training (50% discount is given to existing customers) € 695,00/ per day
System upgrade (System upgrade discount 50% to existing clients) € 695,00/ per day
New reports programming € 495,00/ per day
Runa ir par Fidelio viesnīcu sistēmu un līgumu ar brāļiem igaunīšiem. Piebildīšu, ka darbus veic igauņu vietējais (Latvijā atrodošais) staffs. Tas kaut kā neizklausās par traku?
3. Software Upgrade
The Seller shall provide to the Buyer the latest available versions of the applications software included in the Equipment upon release of any such new version by the manufacturer of such application software and after the completion of tests of such new version by the Seller. Upgrade to new versions is provided at no additional charge for the license. Any Upgrade related works will be charged according to hourly service rates.
System configuration changes € 495,00/ per day
Training (50% discount is given to existing customers) € 695,00/ per day
System upgrade (System upgrade discount 50% to existing clients) € 695,00/ per day
New reports programming € 495,00/ per day
Runa ir par Fidelio viesnīcu sistēmu un līgumu ar brāļiem igaunīšiem. Piebildīšu, ka darbus veic igauņu vietējais (Latvijā atrodošais) staffs. Tas kaut kā neizklausās par traku?
date: Feb. 14., 2010 - 03:23 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija
date: Feb. 14., 2010 - 06:13 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais