telefonu atbloķēšana

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Jun. 20., 2009 | 12:33 am
posted by: 1234 in pajautaa

Kā ir, kāds ir to darījis?
Pie kuriem "kaktu dakteriem" gājāt un cik tas maksā?
Vai pēc tam telefons labi strādā?
Vai pēc tam telefons pieņem visu tīklu simkartes (arī to, kas bija uzstādīts)?
Paldies visiem!

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Comments {9}


from: [info]izkapts
date: Jun. 20., 2009 - 10:40 am

Personally I hate all the lazy Google posts, especially when they aren't in a proper link...

-They are generally posted by repeated offenders.
-The links are generally, but not always, useless.
-The OP usually, but not always, has already done dome kind of research, albeit, not enough.
-If you can't post a proper link, then don't bother.

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