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Dec. 14., 2008 | 01:34 pm
posted by: ruuuta in pajautaa

káda ir minimálá méneshalga Shveicé?


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Comments {4}


from: [info]petrovichs
date: Dec. 14., 2008 - 02:41 pm

Switzerland has no legal minimum salary. The salary depends on the industry you work in, with most companies paying at least 3500 CHF, for example as cashier in a supermarket. So you can save, if you really have to, depending on how much leisure time you like. Overtime work is usually paid (unless otherwise agreed in contract).


Googles tante to visu prot atrast :)

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from: [info]ruuuta
date: Dec. 14., 2008 - 02:45 pm

paldies :)

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