Bremžu šķidrumi
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Nov. 19., 2008 | 12:17 pm
posted by: gwendolina in pajautaa
Kādam bremžu šķidrumam ir augstāka kvalitāte- kam ir DOT 4 vai DOT 5? Cik saprotu, tad DOT 3 vairs nelieto. Kā īsti ir?
date: Nov. 19., 2008 - 04:37 pm
no Wikipēdijas:
"DOT 4, like DOT 3 and DOT 5.1, is a polyethylene glycol-based fluid (contrasted with DOT 5 which is silicone-based)."
"DOT 5 is a silicone-based brake fluid. It is NOT compatible with any polyethylene glycol based fluids. Mixing DOT 5 with other types of brake fluids will start a chemical reaction that will cause solids to precipitate out of the mixture and inhibit proper brake system function. Use DOT 5.1 safely to mix with other fluids however."