Aug. 23., 2008 | 07:56 pm
No:: barvins
Pēc manas saprašanas, valodu mainīt var vienīgi pārinstalējot Windows, un tad tev vajag dabūt attiecīgi angļu vai latviešu Windows instalācijas disku.
Kā jau darkans teica, teorētiski vari dabūt XP, ja tev ir Vista (OEM), bet nezinu, vai Latvijā kāds to ir mēģinājis darīt -[iezvani uz Microsoft, pajautā.
"How do I downgrade? Install a copy of Windows XP Professional with the product key that came with the copy, and then when you hit the activation screen -- which is near the end of the installation process -- select the activate by phone option rather than the online method. You'll likely end up talking with a live rep; tell him that you're downgrading from Vista to XP, and give him the Vista product key. The rep is supposed to walk you through the rest."
Kā jau darkans teica, teorētiski vari dabūt XP, ja tev ir Vista (OEM), bet nezinu, vai Latvijā kāds to ir mēģinājis darīt -[iezvani uz Microsoft, pajautā.
"How do I downgrade? Install a copy of Windows XP Professional with the product key that came with the copy, and then when you hit the activation screen -- which is near the end of the installation process -- select the activate by phone option rather than the online method. You'll likely end up talking with a live rep; tell him that you're downgrading from Vista to XP, and give him the Vista product key. The rep is supposed to walk you through the rest."