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Jun. 27., 2008 | 03:04 pm
posted by: chelsea in pajautaa
Atkal problēma ar kompi/netu - neiet dažas adreses - piem. google.com neiet, ja saak kko mekleet - rādās tik loading un nekas nenotiek bez gala, draugiem, torrentz.com ar vispaar nerādās, tik - loadaing, loading.....
Litetoju Mozzillu Firefox, uzinstaleeju tikko Operu, tur ar taas pašas adreses neit.
HELP, I need it a lot! Ko darīt?
Litetoju Mozzillu Firefox, uzinstaleeju tikko Operu, tur ar taas pašas adreses neit.
HELP, I need it a lot! Ko darīt?
from: goddes
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 03:13 pm
Atbildēt | Diskusija
from: chelsea
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 03:18 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija
from: goddes
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 03:21 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais
from: maris
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 04:21 pm
from: 5_l_medus
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 05:38 pm
noņēma mātesplates ugunssienu un viss aizgāja
from: cheezyfreez
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 05:54 pm
* pastaasti mazliet par savu interneta piesleegumu! serveri, ruuteri, svichi, shaareetas konekcijas, modeemi, wireless`i? kaada ir tiikla uzbuuve? kas ir interneta servisu provaiders?
* varbuut Tu atminies peec kaa tieshi saaka neiet lapas? windows update? uzinstaleeji spybot, uzinstaleeji ad-aware? kaadi eksperimenti ar firewall software? kaadi eksperimenti ar netlimiteriem? kaadi eksperimenti ar tune-up utiliitiem?
* vai operētājsistēmas firewall ir enabled/disabled?
* iekopee, ko Tev paveesta %windir%\system32\drivers\etc "hosts" /labais peles taustinjsh >> open >> wordpad un OK / (windir ir taa vieta, kur Tev atrodas opereetaajsisteemas instalaacija, piemeeram, C:\Windows >> taatad shajaa gadiijumaa adsese buutu C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc).
Atbildēt | Diskusija
from: chelsea
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 10:27 pm
Un man sākas kkādi security warningi, piem, kad ver vaļā Notepadu.
Livas provaiders, domēns, windows xp, parasti lietoju mozillu...
Par to windiru.. šitas vai???
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija
from: cheezyfreez
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 11:18 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais
from: cannibalsmith
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 09:06 pm
Atbildēt | Diskusija
from: chelsea
date: Jun. 27., 2008 - 10:27 pm
Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais