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Maijs. 24., 2008 | 12:29 pm
posted by: arabesque in pajautaa

Ko nozīmē karteziāniskā metode? Vai tā ir identiska šaubu metodei?
Viens ārkārtīgi gudrs cilvēks teica, lai meklēju Renē Dekarta darbā "Pārruna par metodi", bet laikam tas tagad saucas citādi.

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Comments {2}

Pastaiga ar draugiem

from: [info]aleja
date: Maijs. 24., 2008 - 03:21 pm

Descartes, in his work Discourse on Method, after giving a criticism of the education which he had received (a criticism which is indirectly an attack on the Scholasticism of his day), goes on to set up the new method, according to him, must be the basis of all scientific and philosophical research.

These laws are four:

* To accept nothing as true that is not recognized by the reason as clear and distinct;
* To analyze complex ideas by breaking them down into their simple constitutive elements, which reason can intuitively apprehend;
* To reconstruct, beginning with simple ideas and working synthetically to the complex;
* To make an accurate and complete enumeration of the data of the problem, using in this step both the methods of induction and deduction.

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ar bez ka

from: [info]arabesque
date: Maijs. 24., 2008 - 03:51 pm


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