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Jul. 28., 2005 | 04:00 pm
posted by: lee in pajautaa

Vai kāds var man paskaidrot, kāpēc gurķi ir rūgti (dažreiz), un vai tas kaut kādā mērā ir kaitīgi cilv. veselībai???

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Comments {18}

from: [info]andzha
date: Jul. 28., 2005 - 04:31 pm

A bitter taste in cucumbers is the result of stress that can be caused by a number of factors including heredity, moisture, temperature, soil characteristics and disease. Most often this occurs during the hot part of the summer or later in the growing season.

Two compounds, cucurbitacins B and C, give rise to the bitter taste. Though often only the stem end is affected, at times the entire fruit is bitter. Also, most of the bitter taste is found in and just under the skin. Bitter fruit is not the result of cucumbers cross pollinating with squash or melons. These plants can not cross pollinate with one another.
