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Jan. 14., 2008 | 09:06 pm
posted by: tiesibsargs in pajautaa

ar ko ver vaļā .flv failu? tas ir kaut kāds video...

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Comments {3}


from: [info]osinsh
date: Jan. 14., 2008 - 10:22 pm

un vispār:
Adobe Flash, initially known as Shockwave Flash and popularly called simply Flash, refers to both the Adobe Flash Player and to the Adobe Flash Professional multimedia authoring program. The Flash Player, developed and distributed by Adobe Systems (which acquired Macromedia in a merger that was finalized in December 2005), is a client application available in most common web browsers. Among other uses, if you obtain a video from YouTube it will likely have the .FLV file extension and be a Flash Video File. Media-Convert can convert these files to other formats.
