Elsewhere, the cezve is known as an ibrik, which is also the most common usage in the United States. Ibrik is Turkish word from Arabic `ibriq in turn a rendition of Persian a:bri:z - a:b water, ri:z (older rêz) a cup.[1] In Turkey, 'ibrik' has another meaning, it is again used for long spouts but used for handling liquids like oil and wine, not for brewing coffee. The same usage is comm
date: Sep. 21., 2007 - 03:10 pm
Elsewhere, the cezve is known as an ibrik, which is also the most common usage in the United States. Ibrik is Turkish word from Arabic `ibriq in turn a rendition of Persian a:bri:z - a:b water, ri:z (older rêz) a cup.[1] In Turkey, 'ibrik' has another meaning, it is again used for long spouts but used for handling liquids like oil and wine, not for brewing coffee. The same usage is comm
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