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Sep. 4., 2007 | 11:23 am
posted by: dzeina in pajautaa
Vai beļģiem ir kāds "nacionālais" alkoholiskais stiprais dzēriens?
Ja ir - kā sauc, & vai ir dzerams? :)
Ja ir - kā sauc, & vai ir dzerams? :)
date: Sep. 4., 2007 - 11:42 am
"For a digestif, you might try a gin, in Flanders known as jenever (or, colloquially, as witteke), and in Wallonia known as genièvre (colloquially as pèkèt). This stiff grain-spirit is often served in glasses little bigger than a thimble. Belgium's 70 jenever distilleries produce some 270 varieties, some flavored with juniper, coriander, or other herbs and spices. Among notable brands are Filliers Oude Graanjenever, De Poldenaar Oude Antwerpsche, Heinrich Pèkèt de la Piconette, Sint-Pol, and van Damme. Jenever in a stone bottle makes an ideal gift."
Atbildēt | Diskusija
date: Sep. 4., 2007 - 11:43 am
Paldies :)
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date: Sep. 4., 2007 - 11:44 am
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date: Sep. 4., 2007 - 11:46 am
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