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Jun. 16., 2005 | 01:14 pm
posted by: incidents in pajautaa

“DaDa is beautiful like the night, who cradles the young day in her arms." — Hans Arp

"DADA speaks with you, it is everything, it envelopes everything, it belongs to every religion, can be neither victory or defeat, it lives in space and not in time." — Francis Picabia

"Dada is the sun, Dada is the egg. Dada is the Police of the Police." — Richard Huelsenbeck

//tā pavisam īsi - kas ir tas Dada par ko viņi runā?

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Comments {10}

from: [info]hey_blonde
date: Jun. 16., 2005 - 01:25 pm

Lūk, šis jau ir globāls jautājums - kas ir DADA :)

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from: [info]incidents
date: Jun. 16., 2005 - 01:28 pm

kas bija pareizāk būs:)

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from: [info]hey_blonde
date: Jun. 16., 2005 - 03:15 pm

Dada nemirst, ja, nestāsti man te niekus :))

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