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Apr. 17., 2006 | 07:11 pm
posted by: bulletproof in pajautaa

Kādas darbības (precīzāk gan vardarbība) var izraisīt cilvēka nonākšanu komā? Ja sitieni, tad kur, ja kāds cits paņēmiens, precīzāks apraksts. Vajadzīgi nevis praktikai, bet gan vairāk teorijai.

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Comments {14}

from: [info]dzeina
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:19 pm

Coma translates from Greek as "deep sleep." According to the modern perception, the term designates the highest degree of pathological inhibition of the central nervous system, which manifests itself in a profound loss of consciousness, the absence of reflexes for external irritations and disturbances of vital functions of human organism. Coma deprives the central nervous system of its basic governing function, which misbalances internal organs and systems, making them function independently on one another. As a result, a body loses the self-regulating ability to maintain the permanency of its internal environment.

There is a variety of reasons that can result in a coma. The reasons can be categorized in four major groups:

Intracranial processes - tumors, inflammations, vascular problems;
Respiratory system anoxaemia, blood circulation disorder;
Metabolic disorder linked with the endocrine system, first and foremost;
Various intoxications.

Comas can be primary (characterized with local deteriorations of the brain with subsequent pathological reactions from organs and systems) and secondary, which may develop as a consequence of a chronic disease such as liver impairment, diabetes, starvation, etc.

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anna molly

from: [info]bulletproof
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:23 pm

Kāpēc jāsarežģī?
Vienkāršāk nevar? Iesist ar bomi pa galvu vai es nez, kaut ko tādu, nevajag jau uzreiz wikipedia kopēt.

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from: [info]dzeina
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:27 pm

Tur viss ir ļoti vienkārši. Atvaino, ja valodu nezini :/

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from: [info]tviglis
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 10:15 pm

Bezsamaņa ne vienmēr ir koma.

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anna molly

from: [info]bulletproof
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:27 pm

bet paldies par to pašu.

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from: [info]dzeina
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:30 pm

dažādas figņas galvaskausā - audzēji, iekaisumi, asinsvadu nosprostojumi;
zems skābekļa daudzums arteriālajā asinsritē, traucēta asinsrite;
vielmaiņas traucējumi, kas pirmām kārtām saistīti ar endokrīno sistēmu
dažāda veida saindēšanās

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anna molly

from: [info]bulletproof
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:38 pm

Varāk gan interesē, kā var vardarbības rezultātā iekļūt komā. T.i. kādiem ievainojumiem jābūt, piemēram, asinsizplūdums un tā.

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from: [info]dzeina
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:41 pm

nu bet tur taču raxtīts - asinsizplūdumi, traucēta asinsrite utt. :(
nu izdomā, var jau arī ar motorzāģi roku nozāģēt, sāxies sāpju šox, tam sekos insults, kas ir kvalificējams kā bojājumi smadzenēs ->koma

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anna molly

from: [info]bulletproof
date: Apr. 17., 2006 - 07:45 pm

nu jā, gribējās precīzāk, tā teikt, lai iedvesmotos ;)
liels paldies.

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