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Apr. 4., 2006 | 07:51 pm
posted by: engell in pajautaa

Izskaidrojiet, ko īsti nozīmē "Arbeit macht frei"

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Comments {18}

from: [info]jealousy
date: Apr. 4., 2006 - 07:56 pm

"Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning "work brings freedom" or "work shall make you free". It is probably derived from John 8:32 in The Bible, "the truth shall make you free" and from there, via the Protestant work ethic, developed into a German and Swiss-German peasant saying.

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from: [info]engell
date: Apr. 4., 2006 - 08:00 pm

Paldies. Tas arī izskaidro, kāpēc tieši tas.

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