
Okt. 6., 2022 | 09:40 am
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par grozu nav ideju, bet zemeņu audzētājs man stāstīja, ka pirmās zemenes vienmēr satur vairāk ūdens, mazāk cukura, un, augam nobriestot un tuvojoties ražas beigām, proporcija mainās.
rekur arī some paper about that
Abstract.Using the compartmental analysis method, the distribution of sucrose, glucose, and fructose and their efflux from
the free space, cytoplasm, and vacuole were determined in Nyoho strawberries (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.) picked 25 or
35 days after pollination (DAP). At both stages, >70% of total sugar accumulated in the vacuole. Concentration of sugar
in the free space increased from 167 mM in fruit at 25 DAP to 217 mM at 35 DAP, whereas that within the cell (cytoplasm
+ vacuole) increased from 233 to 352 mM. Permeability of the plasma membrane to sucrose, glucose, and fructose was
higher than that of the tonoplast and, except for that of fructose, the permeability of the plasma membrane to sugars
increased with fruit maturation. ABA at 10–5 M compared to 10–4 M restricted the release of all sugars from fruit discs and
was due mainly to reduced efflux across the plasma membrane rather than the tonoplast. Thus ABA may stimulate the
accumulation of sugars in fruit flesh by restricting their efflux. Chemical name used: abscisic acid (ABA)

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