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Mar. 6., 2006 | 09:39 pm
posted by: lulla in pajautaa

Klau, rādīja pirms kādiem pāris gadiem LNT seriālu par kurlu FIB [laikam] aģenti. Sjū viņa laikam saucās? Vai kaut kas uz S burta... Vēl viņai bija suns, tāds parastais retrīvers laikam. Kā īsti saucās tas seriāls?

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Comments {4}


from: [info]antikrists
date: Mar. 6., 2006 - 10:14 pm

šitas? http://www.baptistpress.org/bpnews.asp?ID=14413

Sue Thomas is a former FBI agent. She is deaf, travels with a hearing-ear dog and reads lips. She comes across as an intelligent woman with a jovial mood, a hearty belly laugh and with lots more on her mind than promoting a TV series.

Even when the series is named for her, "Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye," a new action drama premiering Sunday, Oct. 13, on the PAX network.

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from: [info]lulla
date: Mar. 6., 2006 - 10:15 pm

jā, tas pats, paldies :)

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from: [info]antikrists
date: Mar. 6., 2006 - 10:16 pm

nau pa ko :>

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