
Feb. 22., 2019 | 11:42 am
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People with moderate sleep apnea may be prone to having more nightmares than the rest of the population.

These nightmares can often be more vivid than those experienced by normal sleepers.

One reason for this could be due to the suffocation obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) inflicts on its sufferers. When you have OSA, your wind pipe is cut off from oxygen repeatedly throughout the night. While this most often prompts sufferers to wake up, it can get incorporated into your dreams, as well. This can cause upsetting dreams.

A recent study found that as sleep apnea gets worse, the more “unpleasant” your dreams get.

Do Nightmares Have Any Real World Effects?
The same study cited above found that not only did sleep apnea sufferers have more unpleasant dreams, but these unpleasant dreams could have a negative impact on the rest of their day.

Researchers found that “mean daytime anxiety and daytime depression were significantly correlated with mean dream unpleasantness”

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