muzons - The National - High Violet (2010) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The National - High Violet (2010) [Apr. 21st, 2010|11:17 pm]
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The National are a Brooklyn-based indie rock band formed in 1999. The band's lyrics are written and sung by Matt Berninger in a distinctive, deep baritone. The rest of the band is composed of two pairs of brothers: Aaron  and Bryce Dessner and Scott and Bryan Devendorf. Aaron plays guitar, bass and piano, Bryce plays guitar, Scott plays bass and guitar, and Bryan is the drummer. Padma Newsome, from sister band Clogs, often contributes strings, keyboards, and other arrangements and instrumental flourishes. Influences range from Bruce Springsteen to Joy Division.

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Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 01:25 am
baigi žēl, ka tu neliec klāt bitreitus, jo kā es varu zināt, vai šis ir tas pats transkods, kas lj komūnā i am rare, vai jau 320 un var droši kačāt