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[Sep. 10th, 2007|02:32 am]
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PJ Harvey - White Chalk

Britu alternatīvā roka dziedātājas jaunais albums. Darbu pie tā viņa sāka 2006. g. novembrī. Visnotaļ netipisks darinājums priekš Hārvejas, bet dziesmas vienalga brīnišķīgas.
Neliels raksturojums: "For this album Harvey has moved away from alternative rock and recorded a set of songs for piano, despite her lack of expertise on the instrument. The album marks a radical departure from her usual style, consisting mainly of piano ballads. In an interview in The Wire she explained: "The great thing about learning a new instrument from scratch is that it liberates your imagination." As well as this, she sings in a higher register than usual, at a pitch outside her normal range. Lyrically, however, Harvey has stuck to the dark, moody themes typical of much of her music."
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Date:September 10th, 2007 - 08:28 am
Paldies, baigi labs...
[User Picture]
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 08:36 am
Pārsteidzoši maigas. Bet labas!
[User Picture]
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 10:07 am
paldies, komrād!
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 11:16 am


viņas agrīnie albumi, "dry", "rid of me", "to bring you my love" un "is this desire?" man ir ļoti mīļi, bet "stories..." un "uh huh her" neesmu dabūjusi noklausīties. varbūt Jums ir? labprāt apmainītos. :)
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 11:33 am

Re: paldies!

Tagad nav laika, bet vēlāk ielikšu iekš stream.ifolder un linkus darīšu zināmus. ;)
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 11:34 am
super, paldies!
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 03:38 pm
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 05:47 pm
"Stories...", protams, izcils. personīgi mans viens no iemīļotākajiem un visvairāk klausītajiem albumiem ever.
Date:September 10th, 2007 - 07:25 pm
tencinu, tencinu!!
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Date:September 10th, 2007 - 12:24 pm