Sep. 10th, 2007|02:32 am |

PJ Harvey - White Chalk
Britu alternatīvā roka dziedātājas jaunais albums. Darbu pie tā viņa sāka 2006. g. novembrī. Visnotaļ netipisks darinājums priekš Hārvejas, bet dziesmas vienalga brīnišķīgas. Neliels raksturojums: "For this album Harvey has moved away from alternative rock and recorded a set of songs for piano, despite her lack of expertise on the instrument. The album marks a radical departure from her usual style, consisting mainly of piano ballads. In an interview in The Wire she explained: "The great thing about learning a new instrument from scratch is that it liberates your imagination." As well as this, she sings in a higher register than usual, at a pitch outside her normal range. Lyrically, however, Harvey has stuck to the dark, moody themes typical of much of her music." Nu tātad skumjas klavieru balādes, dārgie komrādi. |