muzons - March 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 5th, 2008

Once [Mar. 5th, 2008|12:33 am]



Once, the Irish musical from writer-director John Carney that struck a lyrical chord at Sundance earlier this year. Cut through the Spidey-Shrek hype and seek it out. You won't be sorry. It's a magical, beguiling wonder. When I say Irish musical, think U2, not Riverdance, and get set for a gift of a movie that is absolutely worth seeing more than once. The Frames frontman Glen Hansard stars as a Dublin songwriter who takes his guitar to the streets and sings himself hoarse to deaf ears. That is, until he meets a pretty Czech pianist (Marketa Irglova) who gives him the guts to quit his dad's repair shop and start finding the bucks to make a recording. That's it, a bittersweet love story with ravishing Hansard music ("Falling Slowly" is a killer) and the ache of romance in its soul.

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Juno - O.S.T. [Mar. 5th, 2008|01:05 am]



There's a reason why the "Juno Soundtrack" topped Billboard's Top 200 list four weeks after its release and it has a lot to do with the movie it was made for. Like the movie, the soundtrack is is sharp but innocent, performed as youthful melodies of guitar and rhyme. Barry Louis Polisar's first line sets the tone for both movie and album: "If I was a flower growing wild and free/all I want is you to be my sweet honey bee."

The music is saccharine. The songs are about growing up, and being unapologetically young. These are the kind of songs that could be heard written and played by teenagers in their rooms.

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p.s. Ja bija jau pievienots, paziņojiet.

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[Mar. 5th, 2008|01:34 am]


Zemfira - spasibo (2007)

nezinu vai ir bijis, ja ir tad sorry.
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[Mar. 5th, 2008|02:07 am]


Dzelzs Vilks - Sārta rītausma (2007)
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[Mar. 5th, 2008|02:12 am]


Raphael - Caravane (2005)
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[Mar. 5th, 2008|10:05 am]



Sascha Funke - Mango (2008)
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Berlin minimalism electro. Patīkams daļēji mierīgs, daļēji kāju kustinošs elektro.
Space out!
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Fairport Convention - Liege & Lief [Mar. 5th, 2008|10:25 am]


1969. gada albuma 2002. gada remāsterējums.

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electro folk / british folk-rock
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Kent - Tillbaka Til Samtiden [Mar. 5th, 2008|10:43 am]


Kaut kad nesen te bija jautājums par ASAP vajadzīgu Kent - Columbus

Nu tad lūdzu:

1 un 2
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muzikālās dienas klabā [Mar. 5th, 2008|12:03 pm]



Ghislain Poirier - No Ground Under
stils: digital dancehall - haha, ja tas daudz izsaka - eksperimentāls hiphops ar labu devu elektronikas, etno un smagiem ritmiņiem. Katra dziesma ar viesmāksliniekiem - takes you straight to sunny side of the spoon.
par pašu makslnieku - TE
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Kollektiv [Mar. 5th, 2008|12:39 pm]



Hmmm, baigā aktivitāte šeit parādījusies. Varbūt kāds var izlīdzēt un atrast kaut ko no Kollektiv (cik noprotu viens albums tik ir):
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[Mar. 5th, 2008|01:20 pm]



Valet - Naked Acid (2008)
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minimalistic / psychedelic / ambient / kraut
mierīga plūšana nepazīstamā substancē, kurā jūties labi!
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shizas muzons [Mar. 5th, 2008|01:37 pm]


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Malchishnjik [Mar. 5th, 2008|02:36 pm]


Sveiki un veseli

kaads / kaada var luudzu iemest kaut kur malchishnjika gjeniaaalo dziesmu "pagavari s nej o sekse ona hochet znatj vjso"

nosaukumu nezinu .. juutrubaa nebija
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ja jau mūzikas dienas [Mar. 5th, 2008|03:01 pm]



Imants Daksis - Vel nedzimušas reliģijas templī
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harijs. vakaram [Mar. 5th, 2008|04:30 pm]



harry connick jr.


part 1
part 2
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Morpheus - Rebis (224Kbps MP3) [Mar. 5th, 2008|09:12 pm]
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Ritual-industrial-dark-ambient with a melancholic-jazzy feel, based on bondage, fetish, dualism, sex magick and alchemy.
Patiks Neil Gaiman "Sandman" faniem.

(download) (alternatīvs download)
Albūms ir zem BY-NC-SA 2.5 Creative Commons licences.
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[Mar. 5th, 2008|10:27 pm]



A cloud Mireya - Singular (2006)
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viens no P73 blakusprojektiem, diezgan līdzīgs Savath y Savalas, bet ja SyS atbilst vairāk rudenim šis ir ziemai - mierīgs, mīksts ar maziem trokšņiem.
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