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Juno - O.S.T. [Mar. 5th, 2008|01:05 am]
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There's a reason why the "Juno Soundtrack" topped Billboard's Top 200 list four weeks after its release and it has a lot to do with the movie it was made for. Like the movie, the soundtrack is is sharp but innocent, performed as youthful melodies of guitar and rhyme. Barry Louis Polisar's first line sets the tone for both movie and album: "If I was a flower growing wild and free/all I want is you to be my sweet honey bee."

The music is saccharine. The songs are about growing up, and being unapologetically young. These are the kind of songs that could be heard written and played by teenagers in their rooms.

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p.s. Ja bija jau pievienots, paziņojiet.

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[User Picture]
Date:March 5th, 2008 - 01:09 am
Zini, es pirms pusstundas iedomājos, ka vajadzētu to te ielikt. Tu paspēji pirmais :D
[User Picture]
Date:March 5th, 2008 - 01:11 am
Paveicaas. :D
[User Picture]
Date:March 5th, 2008 - 10:25 am
hah es ar vakar vinju gandriiz ...