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Diivaini/smiekliigi tulkojumi /valodas kludas utml
murks From: [info]murks Date: 23. Augusts 2005 - 19:05 (Pastāvīgā saite)
vo, šis te:
The Italian man who went to Malta

One day imma gona to Malta to bigga hotell
In the morning i go down to eat a breakfast
I tell the waitress i wanna 2 pisses of toast
She brings me only one piss
I tell her i wanna to piss
She says go to the toilet
I say you dont understand
I want to piss on my plate
She say you better no piss on the plate
You son of a bitch!
I dont even know the lady
And she calls me a son of a bitch


I go to eat at a bigga resturant
The waitress bring me a spoon and
a knife, but no fork!
I tell her i wanna the fuck
She tellin me everyone wanna fuck
I tell her you dont understand
I wanna fucka on the table
She say you better not fuck on the table
You son of a bitch!

So i go back to my room in a hotel
And there is no sheeats on the bed
Call the manager and im tellin him i wanna shit!
He tellin me go to the toilet
I say you dont understand
I wanna shit on my bed!
He say you better not shit on my bed
You son of you bitch!

I go to the check out
and the man in the desk says
Peace on you, i said piss on you too
you son of a bitch!
Im goin back to Italia, Arrivederci
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