"years worked"?
iegūglējot nāk arā pārsvarā teikumi par kāda cilvēka dzīvē nostrādātajiem gadiem, it sevišķi sakarā ar pensijām, pabalstiem:
"But if state pensions were to be based on number of years worked, provision would have to be made for some groups of people who..." "You will not simply get a French pension corresponding to the total amount of years worked in the EU." "The purpose was to compensate mothers for staying at home to bring up their children so that they didn't lose out when assessing the number of years worked .."
"years of service"? Iegūglējot, parādās teikumi, kas liek domāt par kontekstu vienā uzņēmumā:
"Every employee who reaches the designated years of service should receive the same service award..."