24 November 2009 @ 08:22 pm
Illuminati Rebel Issues Dire Warning, Battle Cry
by Henry Makow Ph.D. January 5, 2007

At the New Year, Leo Zagami, 36, has an urgent message.

The Illuminati plan to "Nazify" the West by the year 2012 and persecute all believers in God, using the pretext of war, terror and economic collapse.

The scion of an ancient Illuminati family, Zagami had a religious conversion (to Islam) last June and rebelled. He'd had enough of the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors.

On Saturday he posted on his web site (link has been taken off net)

Iluminati's names of high ranking Masons who are ready to do battle with the Satanists. He has organized his own security detail and even posted a personal phone number to answer serious questioners about his sincerity.

"These are the end times; it's no joke," Zagami says in an January 3 interview on his website.

"The cosmic alignment on the 21st of December 2012 gives you 6 years to prepare... So its about time you all wake up and fight for your right to stay free under one God before they take complete control and start persecuting the true believers in the one God. …Get your swords and get ready to fight to defend your faith or perish…This is a war against Satan so please wake up in the western countries or you might wake up in a nightmare one morning in December 2012."

"From 2010 you will start feeling the big changes in the air more and more but in 2012 you will have the clear evidence of the end of this civilization in front of your eyes….the total NAZIFICATION of the western countries by 2010 before the economic situation starts to badly crack for everyone. Then social tension will hit a peak never seen before and internal conflicts could eventually become in 2012: CIVIL WAR!"

“Are you ready to die for God and your believe in a positive change for the world or are you all a bunch of cowards in the hands of the devil, just talking and talking with no sense of reality?”

As an ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo, Zagami was, until recently, a true insider, a 33rd degree Freemason, and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 (Propaganda 2) Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over from the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli.

The reason I have overlooked Zagami until now is that he suggests Illuminati power resides in the Vatican with the Jesuits. I maintain that that the world central banking cartel, headed by the Rothschilds, calls the shots. They use Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits, Vatican, Socialists, Liberals, Communists, Feminist and Gay activists, Neo Cons, all intelligence agencies, media, foundations etc. to exercise control.

But it would be stupid to continue to overlook Zagami's invaluable testimony over an academic disagreement. I don't think Zagami lets the Zionists off the hook. He merely focuses on what he knows first hand.

The Illuminati is like the mob. Does it matter if the Chicago, London or New York families are in charge? They are overlapping circles dedicated to the same perverse end.

Greg Szymanski again deserves our thanks for featuring Zagami on his web site since October. Jeff Rense also deserves credit for posting Greg's stories.

The material below is partially a summary from Greg's interviews.

The Illuminati Puppet Show

Zagami describes the world as "a global puppet show in the hands of the usual families of idiots, who usually never change their ways century after century."

"They all work together, including Hugo Chavez who really is helping Bush's agenda by his theatrical performances," said Zagami. Chavez is controlled by the Vatican and working with the New World Order as are all other leaders of the world's major government's and religions.

"This is how they operate with the top layers working together for one purpose in what they think is the perfect cover-up. Wahabi or Wahibi [the Saudis] were created by the Zionists and their English friends who think they are the lost tribe of Israel. The same happened with Arafat and the so-called Muslim Brotherhood created by the English intelligence."

Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood also might be behind Iranian leaders and the leaders of the Iraqi Insurgency. It's all theatre put on for the yokels.

In an email to me Sunday, Leo called the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show" and Ahmaninejad a "well known Satanist with no real connection to Islam."

He said Putin's conflict with the Rothschilds is also a "charade." Putin is also Illuminati controlled.

Zagami challenges his former colleagues in Freemasonry to "go public with your pagan satanic worship and your black magic you bunch of cowards, that's what I say to them. The European aristocracy has always been ruled by sorcery and black magic …have always used black magic and evil forces … for domination over their own citizens. They learned these satanic ways from their Masters in Rome who got them in turn from the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Sumerian...its a never ending tale of constant manipulation…of mankind."

He says G.W. Bush is the son of "the most powerful man in the illuminati and he was built by his father and the CIA to become the ultimate Antichrist Vatican Zionist puppet and it doesn't really matter if he is in the White House or not because the Bush will always rule in the present situation any future actor that goes in the White House now. Remember Anton LaVey founder of the Church of Satan and Mind War controller of the CIA was a close friend of George H. Bush, and they planned together the satanic future of his son George W.Bush and the coming of the age of Satan after 9/11 a long time ago when LaVey was still alive."

He says 666 is everywhere these days: "the Hebrew equivalent of our "w" is the letter "vav" or "waw". The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English "www" transliterated into Hebrew is "vav vav vav", which numerically is 666. And you can't definitely have a business these days without a web site WWW, then we have the video surveillance and last but not least the micro chipping coming up. The micro chipping will be the ultimate Mark of the Beast and will put us fully in the hands of Satan and his evil controllers ready for Armageddon against the Messiah. So we need to rebel before that to help the coming back of the real Messiah."

"All religions are corrupt by the Illuminati these days including most of Islam, the Jews, the Evangelical, Protestant and the Born-Again side of Christianity, all ruled secretly by Freemasonry, the intelligence services, the Knights of Malta and last but not least the usual Jesuits so genuine [religious] dialogue is almost impossible."


Leo Zagami sees himself as "the last idealist in the Illuminati." He says he is leading a revolt and has some support within the Order. It is a hopeful sign that courageous and decent men like him should appear at this time. It would be a far greater sin to spurn a genuine hero than to be taken in by an impostor. At the same time, the Illuminati has always feigned divisions: FDR, Hitler all championed the "people."

"YOU ARE LIVING IN A ILLUMINATI PRISON BUILT BY THE JESUITS AND FINANCED BY THE ZIONIST," Leo emailed me. I agree about the "Illuminati prison part." For the rest, I will continue to ask Leo questions and do my own reading and thinking.

The elite is building an abattoir before our eyes: the fascist New World Order. The events of 9-11 are proof of its ruthlessness. We have a choice: To go like sheep to the slaughter, or to take Zagami's advice, and prepare.
07 November 2009 @ 08:17 pm
Profesors Viljams Tillers, dāmas un kungi! :)  
Par kvantu fiziku un tās skatījumu uz realitāti, par to, kā realitāte mijiedarbojas ar mums un kā mēs varam mijiedarboties ar fizisko realitāti.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNOCTGk63mg [Part 1 of 3]
07 November 2009 @ 07:05 pm
cita vēsture  
Alex Collier par galaktikas (un arī Zemes) vēsturi andromediešu skatījumā - šeit.
04 September 2009 @ 01:10 pm
visai interesanta lasāmviela, nezinu gan, cik nopietni uztverama:
Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet
03 September 2009 @ 10:07 pm
hi hi  
Jautrs atskats uz aizgājušajiem laikiem.
10 August 2009 @ 02:25 pm
interesantajos video no kaut kādas konferences, ilggadējais Project Camelot infomens (zināms kā Henry Deacon), kura info izrādās daudz maz pareiza biežāk kā citiem līdzīgiem ļaudīm [kuru teiktais, savukārt, NEKAD nepiepildās [ja tu gribi uzzināt, kas pasaulē NENOTIKS, paskaties rense.com vai kaut ko no alex jones lapām]], veica savu pirmo publisko uzstāšanos. es biju domājis, ka viņš ir jaunāks.
īss rezumē:
 1)čemtreili varētu arī nebūt pilnīgi meli
 2)cūku gripa ir pilnīga huiņa un baidīšanās no tās nodara lielāku postu kā pati gripa
 3)visādas ūbervienkāršās pašārstēšanās metodes [ar fēnu!! :) ], īpaši rekomendējot D3 vitamīnu.
 4)pēc apm 600-700 dienām mums beigsies i-nets esošajā veidā, jo gluži vienkārši beigsies pieejamās ip adreses. ko tas nozīmē mums šas pateiks visvarenais_j :)
 koroč, paskatieties paši.
02 August 2009 @ 08:52 pm
Sveiki, mīlīši! tātad, es esmu atgriezies no sava pirmā latgales apciemojuma, kura laikā man sanāca arī neviļus apskatīt, kāds īsti izskatās aglonas baziliks. Nekas īpašs, protams, liela balta baznīca, kurā sēž cilvēku bariņš un lūdz dievu.
Apskatīju arī ļoti lielo un ļoti izgreznoto altāru, kurā itin nekas aizdomīgs nepiesaistīja manu uzmanību.
Bilde ar neko
P.s. ievērojiet, ka šis nekas atrodas pašā altāra virspusē, krietni virs jēzuliņa, enģelīšiem un visa kā cita. Nais!
20 July 2009 @ 08:41 am
Hey Stupid, The New World Order IS About Religion  
By Sherry Shriner

With thunderous applause liberty dies and those who fight to maintain liberty can't even grasp the entire picture of what the fight is about.

I don't know how many times I have seen patriots get angry or enraged in public forums because the mention of God is made when it comes to the New World Order. They proclaim the New World Order is about politics and not religion as they task away at bits and pieces exposing the lies and deceptions of the order. How shocked will they be to find out soon enough that the New World Order is a politicalization of religion and that the two can't and won't be separated.

The entire purpose of the New World Order is to bring Lucifer down to earth and enforce worldwide worship of him as God. Satan's right hand man on earth whom the Bible calls the False Prophet, will implement and enforce worldwide worship of Lucifer as God. The Bible refers to them as beasts because that is exactly what they are.

Most know Lucifer as one of these last days beast's as the Antichrist. The occultic groups call him "the One" or the "God of Light." Some say Lucifer will just arrive as himself masquerading as an angelic being, others declare it will be a human political or religious figure who dies and then comes back to life and then visibly descends to earth from heaven.

The New World Order is about dictatorial control. Not just here in America or over America, but an order which will govern over the entire world as a 4th Reich. It is about worldwide government and control over the masses. It is about one leader rising to take rule and control over all the governments of the world and the nations. And for what? Worship. Not just to lead a dictatorial world empire, but to be worshipped as God. You cannot separate politics and religion with the New World Order. Neither can you understand what it really is by ignoring the religious aspect.

The Bible is far ahead of any political or economic analyst today. It forewarned about the last days rise of a one world government. In fact the political leader is referred to as the False Prophet and he makes proclamations that the entire world must implement:

In Revelation 13:14-18

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The leader of the New World Order will have the legislative authority over the nations to force them to adhere to the rules of the order.

He will pull his political authority and weight over them and demand legislation be passed that calls for an image, statue, or monument of some kind be erected of the descended or resurrected beast and demand that every person on the planet bow down and worship the image of this beast.

Worship of this beast will be enforced through worldwide legislation. And anyone who refuses to bow at this image will be killed. It will be a mandatory death sentence for those who refuse.

Another act of legislation that will be implemented and enforced worldwide is that every person born will have to get this beast's name, number, or image put on or in their right hand or forehead. Most people believe this will be some kind of implantable chip that they are conditioning the masses with now as they promote the health advantages and consumer aspects of it to gain acceptance and popularity.

Eventually, this mark, number or name of the beast will become mandatory. Those who refuse to get it will not be able to buy or sell anything worldwide. You won't be able to buy food, clothes, gas, oil, deposit money or withdraw money from the banks, you literally will be held hostage to having to get this chip to survive.

But many will refuse. Why? Because the Bible and the Prophets have forewarned that anyone who receives the mark of the beast or worships his image will be cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. When you die, your body may experience physical death but your spirit is still alive, and this is the judgment for those who worship the beast and join his Satanic kingdom on earth (Revelation 19:20). Upon their physical death here on Earth, they are cast alive into a lake of fire.

Those in the New World Order who are in control of most of the governments of the world already today declare that to become a citizen of this order will require a Luciferian oath.

Accordingly those in the implementation stages proclaim:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
---David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Amongst all the global governing changes and wars that are taking place to accommodate this New World Order many are overlooking the most dominant aspect of it, its religious and occultic nature.

The New World Order IS about religion. It is about worshipping Lucifer.

Wake up folks!

15 July 2009 @ 03:40 am
Karstākā sazvērestības teorija ir, ka sazvērestības teorijas ir bulšits!
08 July 2009 @ 10:13 am
New World Order  
Pāvests aicina veidot pasaules valdību

Pāvests Benedikts XVI visas pasaules katoļiem adresētā vēstījumā otrdien nācis klajā ar aicinājumu radīt jaunu starptautisko organizāciju, kam būtu "reāli zobi", lai tā spētu atdzīvināt globālo ekonomiku un novērstu turpmākās problēmas.

"Pastāv dziļi izjusta nepieciešamība (..) reformēt Apvienoto Nāciju Organizāciju, kā arī ekonomiskās institūcijas un starptautiskās finanses, lai nāciju ģimenes jēdziens spētu iegūt reālus zobus," kārtējā enciklikā norāda pāvests.
"Lai vadītu globālo ekonomiku, atdzīvinātu krīzes skartās ekonomikas, izvairītos no jebkādas pašreizējās krīzes padziļināšanās un vēl lielāka disbalansa, ko tā radītu (..), steidzami nepieciešama patiesa pasaules politiskā autoritāte," 150 lappušu garajā tekstā uzsver katoļu baznīcas galva.

"Caritas in Veritate" ("Žēlsirdība patiesībā") ir Benedikta pirmā enciklika, kas veltīta sociāliem jautājumiem. Abu iepriekšējo encikliku tēma bija garīgi jautājumi.
Savā vēstījumā, kuram jākalpo kā vadlīnijām visiem katoļiem, pāvests piebilst, ka jaunveidojamai organizācijai jāpanāk "godprātīga un savlaicīga atbruņošanās, droša pārtikas [apgāde] un miers, jāgarantē vides aizsardzība un jāregulē migrācija".
04 May 2009 @ 04:17 am
"Aizdomīga un ļoti biedējoša sagadīšanās lasāma ASV Teksasas štata avīzē šā gada 19.martā, tātad vienu mēnesi pirms cūku gripas parādīšanās. Ar ASV valdības ziņu Teksasā, kas robežojas ar Meksiku, tika meklēti tūkstoš brīvprātīgo mācībām, inscenējot gripas pandēmiju. Saskaņā ar mācību aprakstu:

„Visā pasaulē nomiruši līdz diviem miljardiem cilvēku." „Vietējām pārvaldēm ir 36 stundas laika, lai izglābtu atlikušos iedzīvotājus.” „Tās ir sekas, ja šodien atkārtotos 1918.gada spāņu gripa.” „Cilvēces vēsturē gripas pandēmija atkārtojas reizi simts gados. Un nu ir pienācis laiks nākamajai.”

Un līdz nāvējošam vīrusam bija jāgaida tikai mēnesis. Turklāt pandēmijas treniņiem vajadzēja sākties vakar, 2.maijā. Konspirāciju teoriju attīstītāji norāda - nākamais solis būs amerikāņu piespiedu kolektīvā vakcinācija. Tie, kuri atteiksies, tiks izolēti karantīnas zonās. Turklāt tiek uzdots jautājums, kamdēļ gan ASV jau šobrīd ir izveidotas masu koncentrācijas nometnes un krematorijas blakus?

Pirms mēneša publicētajā netiešajā vīrusa pareģojumā norādīts, ka treniņi vajadzīgi arī gadījumā, ja uzbrūk nāvējošais Sibīrijas mēris jeb bakas - tātad bioterorisma ieroči. Un šā gada 22.aprīlī ASV parādās publikācijas, ka no ASV armijas bioloģiskās laboratorijas Fortdetriksā ir pazuduši trīs slimību paraugi. Tieši šajā laboratorijā arī glabājas Sibīrijas mēris. 23.aprīlī The New York Times gan raksta - sērgu paraugi visticamāk iznīcināti. Taču kriminālizmeklētāji darbu turpina.", tā lūk
27 April 2009 @ 04:00 pm
Kas, tavuprāt, notiek ar cūku gripu?  
[izsakam versijas par virsrakstu]

[manējā - nezinu vai šitais H1N1 paveids ir kaut kā saistīts ar cilvēka radītu mikrobioloģisku izstrādājumu, bet brēka, kas ir sacelta par šo infekciju, ņemot vērā viņas niecīgo mirstību un labās atveseļošanās iespējas, izskatās pārspīlēta. nez, no kā tam būtu jānovērš uzmanība? ja nemaldos, tā gripa plosās jau vairāk kā 2as nedēļas, bet brēka ir sākusies tikai tagad, kad misters baraks [kuru es joprojām neuzskatu par slikto džeku] sāk publicēt buša spīdzināšanas listus. protams, gan jau ka ir arī miljardiem citu iemeslu]
25 April 2009 @ 12:58 pm
It's BIG and it's coming.  
Kā jau es teicu, TAS 'KAUT KAS' virzās uz priekšu fantastiskos tempos, pagaidām vēl palikdams lielā mērā 'zem ūdens' un tikai liekot nojaust, kas sekos.. [excitement, excitement].

Linki [katram jāvērtē pašam]:

Un, protams, jaunākais Bedini treileris
23 April 2009 @ 04:55 pm
dis muuvii nat beed  
08 April 2009 @ 10:44 pm
Šodien kkur pa rādžu ziņās dzirdēju tekstu par Ugo Čavezu, kurš pasludinājis Jaunās Pasaules Kārtības iestāšanos - ir kāds precīzākā lietas kursā?
Tur bija kkas par to, ka ASV ir kaput un ka tagad daudz būtiskāka ir kkāda Tokija, Pekina, kas tur vien... Uz ātro neatrodu jēdzīgus web-resursus.
07 April 2009 @ 09:18 am
Vīrs, kurš gadiem ilgi strādājis Area 51, nolēmis izstāstīt tautai patiesību, ko valdība slēpj par citplanēšu plāniem iekarot pasauli. Gadu vēlāk vīrs mīklainos apstākļos mirst.
05 April 2009 @ 08:19 am
Obama Deception  
Gadījumā, ja kāds nezin, tad var nostīties šo filmu: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7886780711843120756
Music: The Beatles - This Boy
04 April 2009 @ 05:52 pm
Zinkaa man liekaas? Ka tumshie speeki Hitlera un vinja brigaades izskataa gribeeja paarnjemt varu paar pasauli. Toreiz vinjiem tas neizdevaas. Tagad vinji ir augshaamceelushies no elles un piedzimushi kaa ASV valdiiba un bankjieri, kuriem ir tie pashi plaani.
Music: X-Fusion - Cmon Devil
03 April 2009 @ 07:32 am
Labs rīts! Vai visi klātesošie ir pazīstami ar to, kā Dan Burisch regulāri vārās par T1 [labais] un T2 [sliktais] taimlainiem, apgalvojot, ka iekš T2 mūs gaida REĀLI sūdi, kas sākšoties ar MILZĪGU katastrofu? Turklāt, atsakoties nosaukt katastrofas datumu, jo tas varot mainīt/palielināt tās iestāšanās iespējamību, vien pasakot, ka tas ir kaut kas saistīts ar Saules aktivitāti. Nu re, ieejot Dena mājaslapā mēs varam palasīt to, ka [fanfaru skaņas/skaļas ovācijas] datums T2 katastrofai bija 28. marts, 2009. gads. Jap, katastrofa nenotika, move along people, there is nothing to see here :)
p.s. jā, es zinu, ir iespējams, ka Burisch to visu ir izzīdis no pirksta un smagi diršs par visu šito taimlainu būšanu. bet nez, man kaut kā prāts sliecas ticēt.
p.p.s. ak, jā, Alex Jones un Jeff Rense šobrīd sūdz viens otru tiesā, kopš Jones Nakts vidū zvanīja Rensam un solīja viņu un viņa ģimeni nožmiegt. Cik sapratu, strīda būtība ir kurš no viņiem ir ēbrejs. [jā, es par šito ļoti smējos]
02 April 2009 @ 10:30 pm
Zināt, kas ir Lisabonas līgums?  
Filmiņa par šo tēmu:
