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"i can only show you the door, you have to walk through it yourself"
17 September 2008 @ 10:26 pm
almighty_j on September 17th, 2008 - 11:52 pm
Būtu bijis jauki, ja Tu pieliktu kādu nebūt tagline klāt. Tādu, kā šis:
More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadow of the media have divided and impoverished public opinion, so as to control it all the better. This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary. (it's a bit of both :p) Forget the words "esoteric" or "fantastic", here we're speaking about REALITY...
More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadow of the media have divided and impoverished public opinion, so as to control it all the better. This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary. (it's a bit of both :p) Forget the words "esoteric" or "fantastic", here we're speaking about REALITY...
morphine on September 18th, 2008 - 03:22 pm
Man likās, ka tāpat viss ir skaidrs. Bet ja nē, tad pieņem manu atvainošanos.
almighty_j on September 18th, 2008 - 05:03 pm
Sazvērestības jēdziens pats par sevi bieži ir izkropļots un daudzi to uztver kā pēdējās muļķības. TheOrionaMuļķības... tāpēc labāk vienmēr pielikt anotāciju..
P.S. Vvz, kas tur ar tām bildēm. Dažas ir īstas, par to es varu galvot. Bet, vai visas..?
P.S. Vvz, kas tur ar tām bildēm. Dažas ir īstas, par to es varu galvot. Bet, vai visas..?
swimpis on October 1st, 2008 - 02:38 pm
bljadj nu tur ir pilniigs fotozhops, es pat briinos, kaa tik suudiigi uztaisiija, njemot veeraa, ka paareejais filmaa apdomaats, kautvai telpa un peec politikjiem izskatoshies pidari. tas shkjiiviits izskataas uz 3d maya kautkaada programmeets. smiekli naak - iistas fotograafijas. tipa maakslas isfilma, nekas vairaak