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Faith Club
- [SOLVED] Synology DS1513+ slow 5mb/s write speed on Linux smb/cifs gvfsd on gigabit network
- 2013.12.07, 13:14
- I use Synology DS1513+ NAS box, 5 disks (3TB WD RED), as RAID6.
Quite for some time I was battling slow write speed to NAS - about 5mb/s (even less), when everybody says it's capable of pushing 50-100mb/s. (And it really is... read on.)
I need to take a step back. Turns out, slow write speed seems to be caused by specific configuration - a SMB share mounted using Nemo [a Nautilus fork - I use Cinnamon desktop on Ubuntu Saucy]. Some people say it's because it's mounted using NetBIOS name (and yes, mounting it via GUI of course uses network name. They say, if you mount it using IP address, slowness disappears. I am thinking the issue really is gvfsd (the share appears under /run/user/(userid)/gvfs/ folder) - it must be slow.)
For now, I simply switched to NFS. And I am seeing 100mb+/s write(!) speeds.
Here's the mount command:
mount -t nfs /media/diskstation -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
I did not try if mounting via cifs would improve things.
Here's command to try in future:
[... create a file named cifs.conf in /etc/modprobe.d/ which has the following: options cifs CIFSMaxBufSize=130048
In fstab,
// /media/diskstation cifs directio,rsize=130048,guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0
(to investigate: credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,nounix,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777)]
rsync -rv --progress --whole-file --size-only --itemize-changes --human-readable (no) (/uz/)
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