Faith Club
Faith Club
- 2018.08.07, 13:02
- To get a nice tree view in git add this to .gitconfig:
l = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all --max-count=20
Now git l
will show useful output (as opposed to git log
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.02, 09:20
- work around JDK 10 issue "Unable to execute HTTP request: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target":
ln -f -s /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
(apt install ca-certificates-java if you are missing the file in /etc. run "update-ca-certificates" if still problems with PKIX path.)
0 rakstair doma
- 2016.05.19, 12:22
- When running Ubuntu 16.04 as VM using VMware Fusion, enable shared folders, and see them running
$ vmware-hgfsclient
To mount:
# vmhgfs-fuse -o allow_other -o auto_unmount .host:/<shared_folder> /mnt/hgfs
0 rakstair doma
- Running Windows VM
- 2016.05.07, 07:27
- If an operating system is not found, type the following command in this order to set your system straight:
bootrec /fixmbr (Fixes MBR)
bootrec /fixboot (Fixes Boot Sector)
bootrec /scanos (Scans for Windows installations to add)
Reboot! (Type Exit)
If you still do not boot into Windows, or do not have a boot menu, or something is still wrong, follow steps 1 – 6 again. For step 7 type this instead
bootrec /rebuildbcd (Rebuilds entire BCD… not a really big deal)
0 rakstair doma
- 2016.04.24, 08:57
- Pamēģināju iestartēt Debian Jessie Cinnamon versiju, jo kāds teica ka Debian esot Ubuntu reāli apsteidzis. Nē, ņifiga. Ja Ubuntu 16.04 normāli ielādējās un viss bija kruta, tad Debian vienu reizi ielādējās diezgan normāli un tad pēc 15 sekundēm totāli nokārās, un pēc tam vairs nespēja ielādēties vispār. Saistīts gan ar NVidia un Noveau draivera gļukiem. Bet, redz, iekš Ubuntu tādu gļuku šobrīd nav.
Vispār, var pamanīt ka daži cilvēki ir neglābjami ieslīguši konservatīvismā - kad sāk sūdzēties ka jaunajām video kartēm VGA izeja vairs nav, un būs jāmeklē DVI-VGA konvertors (DAC, tā teikt), lai savu CRT monitoru darbinātu.
3 rakstair doma
- 2016.03.31, 08:46
- If impdp database import on Oracle fails because it "failed to allocate shared memory", following commands help to increase the memory pool. Log in to sqlplus.
show parameter memory;
alter system set memory_max_target=500M scope=spfile sid='*';
shutdown immediate
alter system set memory_target=500M scope=both sid='*';
0 rakstair doma
- 2016.03.09, 16:54
- I use XUbuntu 14.04 and I got a 4K monitor recently (Asus). There is a problem that once monitor goes to sleep, XFCE seems to disconnect it, and eventually loses the display.
This is known issue, and workaround is to force-downgraded to xfce4-settings_4.11.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb version. With older version, power manager seems to not "kill" the monitor when setting it to sleep.
0 rakstair doma
- 2016.01.11, 10:34
- If you get "Permission denied, please try again." error from SSH while trying to log on to Synology DiskStation v5.x, simply check if your SSH service actually is enabled: Control Panel / Terminal & SNMP / [x] Enable SSH Service.
0 rakstair doma
- Lenovo Thinkpad W540 + Ubuntu 15.10 = FAIL
- 2015.11.07, 13:36
- Spent a few miserable hours trying to boot Ubuntu 15.10 (and XUbuntu 15.10) on Lenovo W540. I even upgraded my BIOS. No go. I can get it to boot to desktop by setting "acpi=off noapic nolapic", but that's hardly success: keyboard does not work, it can't shut down, etc.
I tried also booting in UEFI-only mode, but that hangs in different places, not sure if it's nouveau driver's fault or something else. Should try in "vga only" mode sometime. If ever. Let's wait to 16.04 I guess. Because I have 14.04 working perfectly, it's only getting old: Java8 is not packaged for it, etc etc.
6 rakstair doma
- 2015.05.04, 09:37
- after upgrading XFCE to 4.12 (staying with Xubuntu 14.04), Skype fonts are all bold. Solution: simply open Qt4 Settings app, and change default font (Fonts tab), Save. Skype fonts will now be fixed.
Same about QT-based apps looking weird - make sure to change theme to GTK+ explicitly.
0 rakstair doma
- 2015.04.24, 12:41
- using plaintext keyring with mercurial_keyring:
put keyringrc.cfg file in ~/.local/share/python_keyring folder, with following contents.
--- cut ---
--- cut ---
To use gnome keyring, must install
0 rakstair doma
- 2015.01.31, 10:44
- generate ssh key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C '(comment)'
make sure ssh automatically selects it when connecting to host:
ssh-add /path/to/.ssh/key
copy to target host:
ssh-copy-id -i /path/to/.ssh/key
0 rakstair doma
- 2014.11.17, 08:07
- Elektriskās izklaides jomā: beidzot tā kārtīgi pieķēros Wasteland 2. Uz Linux Nvidia 331.38 draiveri*, no Steam jaunais Patch 3 (59820), un nu ir spēlējams. Ļoti labs. Grafika tiešām ieturēta tādā Fallout stilistikā, un turn based šaudīšanās atkal tiešām nostrādā.
* nvidia draivers, jo ar open source draiveri agresīvā "fog of war" problēma joprojām uzrādās.
0 rakstair doma
- 2014.11.11, 12:41
- I was getting "jcifs.smb.SmbException: The handle is invalid." error message from some file-deployment code.
After troubleshooting for some time, I realized the issue actually is that code was trying to write file to a folder that does not exist in given share: simply code had neglected to actually create target folder on the share first.
To work around issue I simply created the folder it expected manually.
0 rakstair doma
- 2014.09.14, 18:55
- I had issues with my Dell U2711 not waking up properly after it's put in power-save mode connected via DisplayPort (running Linux/XUbuntu 14.04 - not sure if XOrg/XFCE related or not). I found a tip in forum that disabling DDC/CI helps. And lo and behold, go into Menu->Other Settings -> DDC/CI -> set to [x] Disabled. And magically monitor comes to life.
0 rakstair doma