- 11.3.08 14:26
* U.S. annual gross domestic product is about $15 trillion
* U.S. money supply is also about $15 trillion
* Current proposed U.S. federal budget is $3 trillion
* U.S. government's maximum legal debt is $9 trillion
* U.S. mutual fund companies manage about $12 trillion
* World's GDPs for all nations is approximately $50 trillion
* Unfunded Social Security and Medicare benefits $50 trillion to $65 trillion
* Total value of the world's real estate is estimated at about $75 trillion
* Total value of world's stock and bond markets is more than $100 trillion
* BIS valuation of world's derivatives back in 2002 was about $100 trillion
* BIS 2007 valuation of the world's derivatives is now a whopping $516 trillion
[BIS - Bank of International Settlements, the world's clearinghouse for central banks in Basel, Switzerland]