Faith Club
Faith Club
23. Marts 2009
- 2009.03.23, 13:01
- Pie jautājuma par eksponenciālo pieaugumu un ģeometrisko progresiju. Cilvēkam grūti apjēgt to, cik skaitļi īstenībā ir lieli. $1'000'000. $100'000'000 (100 miljoni). $1'000'000'000 (miljards)... $1'000'000'000'000 (triljons - jeb viens miljons miljonu)
Cik daudz ir viens triljons?
3 rakstair doma
- par GM augu riskiem vs bišu CCD
- 2009.03.23, 21:13
- "As media reports of the die-offs surfaced, the public also started expressing concern. Many were eager to share their ideas as to the underlying cause. [...] Other hypotheses were untestable at best, such as claims that the bees were being abducted by aliens.
"One theory favored by many concerned citizens was that bees could have been poisoned by pollen from genetically modified crops, specifically the so-called Bt crops. Bt crops contain a gene for an insecticidal toxin produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. When pest caterpillars feed on crops producing these toxins, they die. But already before the onset of CCD, research had shown that the Bt toxin becomes activated only in the guts of caterpillars, mosquitoes and some beetles. The digestive tracts of honeybees and of many other insects do not allow Bt to work."
(OK, pagaidām GM augi nav īstais iemesls... bet gadīsies taču kautkad.)
1 rakstair doma