Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - seriāli, seriāli [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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seriāli, seriāli [Jan. 15th, 2012|04:33 am]
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[Current Mood |hungry]
[Current Music |seriāls]

fāk.. this is awful.
i just can't stop :P

stulbais čalis, so pritī.. un so ssssssssssssssss, kā teiktu Anna. un vsp. pšš. i'm pissed. un jāiet gulēt, jo tomorrow is the big shopping day and skiing day un playing with my dog in the snow day.

the snow and the playing is amazing.. today [well yesterday] i got to play with the crazy and rīlī fast two year old golden retriever, who kept jumping on me to get some new snowballs to be thrown at him, and huge 8 month old polish tatra sheepdog, who is just recovering the use of his knee joints after rachitis, and who weighs like 50 kilos. un es biju absolūti slapja un svīt tīred, bet all this pretty guy thing is messing my resting routine.

and here i go again switching another "pēdējo sēriju".
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[User Picture]
Date:January 15th, 2012 - 11:40 am
nu,nu, stāsti, kas tas ir par seriāli.
[User Picture]
Date:January 15th, 2012 - 02:19 pm
'White Collar' ar Metu Bomeru
[User Picture]
Date:January 15th, 2012 - 10:31 pm


man šitas seriāls jau kkādas pāris nedēļas visur rādās. un es no viņa ļoti cītīgi izvairos. nesen pat pa fox life redzēju pirmās sērijas sākumu un tad ātri pārslēdzu. [vienreiz, nē divreiz jau šitā esmu iekritusi.]
[User Picture]
Date:January 16th, 2012 - 03:45 am


well, es cenšos tev nestāstīt all those highly exciting things i get to see there, ne tikai not to tempt you, but mostly, because i hope you'll see it for yourself. so no spoilers
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2012 - 12:52 pm
jauns seriālis man tieši kā ir vajadzīgs.. nu, labi, vēl tikai 1 sēriju. tikai 1. (tiešām so pritī)